University of North Texas

Division of Student Affairs

The Office of Spiritual Life

Recognizing the importance of a healthy and diverse spiritual life on campus, the Office of Spiritual Life offers programs and events to make you feel welcome at UNT, no matter what your beliefs are. We also can connect you to a variety of existing resources.


The Office of Spiritual Life seeks to promote the spiritual development of our students by encouraging thoughtful dialogue, critical thinking, personal reflection, and interfaith awareness. We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students as they reflect on and engage with their beliefs, values, purpose and ways of making meaning.

Our Vision

That all students, regardless of their respective worldviews and spiritual backgrounds, are inspired to better understand their own beliefs and values, as well as those of their peers, in pursuit of building a community of thoughtful and informed leaders, both on campus and beyond. Ultimately, we want the Office of Spiritual Life to become the primary destination for students looking to explore, evaluate, and engage with their own personal sense of spirituality.


Spiritual Life Events

The Office of Spiritual Life seeks to provide students with opportunities to improve their spiritual and/or religious literacy and opportunities for interfaith engagement.

Difficult Discussions

Some things are hard to talk about, but now more than ever it is important to take the time to hear from differing perspectives and share your own. Join us for sessions of intentional dialogue this semester about the intersection of religion/spirituality and environmentalism, LGBTQIA issues, and race.

Thursday, February 20th @ 7pm in WH 115  (canceled - to be rescheduled at a later date)

Thursday, March 8th @ 7pm

Thursday, April 5th @ 7pm


Residence Hall Interfaith Dialogues

Let's talk about "Life's Big Questions"!  These dialogues (like all of our programs and events) are open to all students, and you are invited to share your worldview as we explore belief, nonbelief, and how we make meaning of the world around us.

Monday, February 26th @ 7pm - Kerr Hall, Blag Room

Monday, March 26th @ 7pm - Rawlins Hall

Monday, April 30th @ 7pm - West Hall

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Spiritual Life Gardening

Why garden with the Office of Spiritual Life? 

Learn about gardening, spend time outside, get your hands in the dirt, and grow food to donate to our local community! Students will work together to learn about gardening and community service as we work to grow fresh produce for the UNT Food Pantry.  

OK, so how do I get involved?

All you need to do is have at least one hour to spend in the garden each week - whether that's 15-20 minutes for a few days a week between classes, or an hour on a Saturday - and you can sign up to participate. You can sign up by emailing, join us for a group meeting (dates and times listed below), 

Wednesday, February 21st @ 12pm

Wednesday, March 7th @ 12pm

Wednesday, March 21st @ 12pm

Wednesday, April 4th @ 12pm

Wednesday, April 18th @ 12pm

*In the event of inclement weather, locations for the meetings will be posted to the OSL webpage and social media.


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Please, contact The Office of Spiritual Life for questions regarding our mission or events.

Phone: 940-565-3288


University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #310649
The University Union, Room 376E
Denton, Texas 76203-5017


Connect with OSL