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Are you the type of person who plans ahead? Are you calm under pressure? Do you possess strong leadership skills? A career in emergency administration and planning may be for you.

The University of North Texas offers the nation's first and most respected undergraduate program in Emergency Administration and Planning.

Professionals in this field help individuals, businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations prepare for, respond to and recover from floods, tornadoes, hazardous materials spills, terrorist attacks and epidemics.

Graduates typically find careers in government agencies, private businesses and humanitarian organizations. Employment opportunities may be found as a:

  • Red Cross emergency director
  • Business continuity specialist
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency manager
  • Hospital disaster planner
  • Local and state emergency management coordinator


By pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Emergency Administration and Planning, you'll be a part of a program that's a model for similar undergraduate programs across the nation.

Our rigorous curriculum helps you develop valuable skills in disaster planning, interpersonal communication and leadership. Mastering these competencies is essential to educating communities on how to prepare for and alleviate natural, technological and civil hazards. Other features of our program include:

  • Participating in field exercises such as disaster drills, disaster planning and post-disaster assessments
  • Volunteering with the local chapter of the Red Cross, Community Emergency Response Teams or in other disaster-related community service activities
  • Practical, hands-on experience with emergency management technologies through courses utilizing our state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center
  • Study abroad opportunities in Mexico, Turkey, India, Thailand and other countries

You'll learn from accomplished faculty members who've researched national and international hazards and catastrophes. They've also worked in emergency management and related fields for county governments, FEMA, the Red Cross and corporations in the private sector.

We sponsor a student chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers that provides opportunities to participate in professionally relevant social, educational and training activities. A Living-Learning Community involves students who live on campus in leadership and service activities. More information about the UNT SERVES!

Scholarships are available to help you pursue your bachelor's degree. Scholarship information is available on our Scholarships Page.


You'll enroll in six core courses that provide basic knowledge of emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Electives have more specific focuses, such as:

  • Complex interaction between terrorism and disaster management
  • Continuity planning in the private sector
  • International disasters
  • Needs of special populations (for example, the elderly, hospitalized, incarcerated and children) in disasters
  • Technological applications in planning for and managing disasters
  • Public health and disasters

Students with no experience in emergency management are required to complete an internship. Some of these internships are paid.

The Career Center, Learning Center and professional academic advisors are among the many valuable resources available to you at UNT. The Career Center can provide advice about internships, future employment opportunities and getting hands-on experience in your major. The Learning Center offers workshops on speed reading, study skills and time management. Academic advisors will help you plan your class schedule each semester.

What is Emergency Management?
What courses will I take?
Enriching Opportunities and Resources
Knowledgeable Faculty