Dr. Laura Siebeneck

Associate Professor
(940) 565-4893
Chilton Hall 122F

B.S. Physical Geography, Texas State University – San Marcos

M.S. Geography, University of Utah

Ph.D. Geography, University of Utah 


EADP 2700 – Images of Disasters in Film and Media
EADP 3035 – Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness
EADP 4040 -  International Disasters (Study Abroad)

Hazards and Human Environment Interaction

Dr. Siebeneck is an associate professor in the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Science. A geographer by training, she has taught EADP courses such as Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness, Capstone in Emergency Management, Images of Disaster in Film and Media, International Disasters, and Intro to Emergency Management. Her teaching and research interests include hazards, evacuation and return-entry processes, risk perception and risk communication, emergency management, Geographic Information Science (GIS) and spatial analysis.

Currently, she is working on projects examining geographic and temporal dimensions of risk perception, communication and household behavior during the evacuation and return-entry process. Additionally, as part of a multi-institutional research collaboration, she recently received funding from the National Science Foundation to examine issues pertaining to disaster return-entry, recovery, and resilience following Hurricane Sandy.   She has research has been  published in a variety of professional journals  including Risk Analysis, Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards Review, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, GeoJournal, and Journal of Emergency Management.