Save the Date – Monday, June 30

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For those attending the American Library Association Conference this year, save Monday, June 30, 8:30 – 10 am to attend a panel session directly related to this blog. “Sticking with STEM: How the Academic Library Can Help to Retain Successful Students” is being sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Science and Technology… Read more »

Give Academic and Career Advisors a Hand

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In the 1997 landmark study, Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences by Seymour and Hewitt, 75% of students who switched to non-STEM majors identified “inadequate advising or help with academic problems” as a concern (p.33). Interestingly, 52% of undergraduates who stayed in STEM majors had the same concern. Individual interviews and focus groups… Read more »