Teaching with Technology

“Resources for integrating effective educational technology tools”

What is Flipped Learning?

A photo of a person’s hand on a board with white boxes and arrows drawn on it.

The flipped classroom refers to a model of learning that rearranges how time is spent both in and out of class to shift the ownership of learning from the educators to the students. This student-centered approach takes typical methods of instruction, such as the lecture-based class and turns it inside out. In the flipped classroom model, valuable class time is devoted to more active, project-based learning where students work together to solve challenges, consider real-world applications, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. 

Teaching with Technology Is Not Just for Online Classes

A photo of an open book with eyeglasses laying on top and an iPhone next to it.

Whether you like it or not – you teach with technology. In higher education, you are bound to use technology in some shape or form each semester, regardless of your course delivery method: face-to-face, online, or hybrid/blended. To be a great higher education instructor, you will need to be a great digital instructor. Think about technology in relation to teaching and learning as a way to communicate ideas, make meaning, and engage learning beyond the “classroom” space.

Planning a Flipped Lesson: A Step-by-Step Guide

A photo of a person’s feet standing on stone stairs leading into water.

In planning for a flipped classroom, you need to consider the pedagogy before planning how you will teach with technology. The flipped classroom is a different form of instruction that fosters new roles for teaching and learning. Instead of the “sage on the stage,” the instructor is now a “guide on the side” for learning (Miller, 2012). These differentiated roles for teaching and learning provide authentic opportunities for learners to engage and make meaning out of the course content. The flipped class model is often used for face-to-face learning; however, this approach can also be applied to online courses

A “Modest” Case for Teaching with Technology

A photo of an iPhone on a desktop with a 3D simulation of a castle popping out.

Teaching with technology is not about the latest technology application, but how to utilize the tools in a way that makes sense in your classroom using your instructional methodology. Used effectively, technology allows for effective classroom management and engaging instructional delivery and learning. In this article, we identify three important factors for evaluating the appropriateness of educational technologies and share an approach that can make the process less overwhelming and intimidating.