UNT's Academic Standards | College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

UNT's Academic Standards

Academic Standards

Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average, referred to as the minimum CGPA requirement, to remain in good academic standing. At the end of the first term of enrollment at UNT, the minimum CGPA requirement is 1.8. In each subsequent term of enrollment, the minimum CGPA requirement is 2.0.

The CGPA upon which academic standards are based is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in residence at UNT by the total number of semester credit hours (SCH) attempted in residence at UNT. Excluded in this calculation are all courses in which the student received grades of NP, P, W, Z or I. The cumulative grade point average as defined here is used only for determining a student's academic status and is not necessarily related to the grade point average that governs eligibility for graduation.

In calculating grade points, grades count as follows: A = 4 points per semester credit hour, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, F and WF = 0 points.

Classification for the purpose of establishing the academic standing of the student is determined by the sum of all hours attempted in residence in regularly graded courses at UNT, hours passed in pass/no pass graded courses at UNT, and hours transferred from other institutions. Not included in the definition of student classification for academic standards are hours granted by the university for extension, service experience, advanced placement, credit by examination, CLEP or transfer hours attempted but not passed or accepted by the university for academic credit.

A student is placed on academic alert or academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the CGPA on work attempted in residence at this university does not equal or exceed the minimum CGPA requirement.

Regulations Governing Students on Academic Alert

A freshman is placed on academic alert the first term/semester the CGPA drops below the minimum CGPA requirement. To be removed from academic alert, the student must raise the CGPA to a minimum of 2.0 during the next period of enrollment.

A student on academic alert who does not raise the CGPA to at least a minimum of 2.0 at the end of the next term/semester of enrollment is placed on academic probation.

Click here for an Academic Alert Resource Checklist.

Regulations Governing Students on Academic Probation

A student who is not classified as a freshman, or a student who is a freshman and has been on academic alert, is placed on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the CGPA drops below the minimum CGPA requirement.

A student remains on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the student earns at least a 2.25 GPA but does not achieve a 2.0 CGPA.

A student remains on academic probation during any summer enrollment in which the student fails to raise the CGPA to a 2.0.

A student who, during a probationary fall or spring term/semester, fails to raise the CGPA to a 2.0, or who fails to make at least a 2.25 GPA for the term/semester, is automatically suspended from UNT for one or more long terms/semesters. (See "Regulations Governing Students Under Academic Suspension.")

The electronic grade report, available online at my.unt.edu at the end of each term/semester, includes a statement of academic status and a CGPA summary on which the status is based. Each student is responsible for knowing whether the minimum CGPA has been achieved and whether they are eligible to re-enroll or remain enrolled in the university. Any student enrolled when ineligible will be withdrawn by the Registrar, and no special consideration will be given to such student on a plea of ignorance of academic status. If the cumulative record is believed incorrect, the student should contact the Registrar's Office.

Regulations Governing Students Under Academic Suspension

A student who is suspended from the university for failure to meet the standards prescribed in the "Regulations Governing Students on Academic Probation" is prohibited from re-enrolling for the following long term(s)/semester(s) as outlined below:

First suspension: One long term/semester
Second suspension: Two long terms/semesters
Third suspension: Indefinite

A student who has been suspended for an indefinite period may request, at the end of two calendar years from the time of the suspension, a review of the case by the appropriate academic dean.

Each student is responsible for knowing the minimum CGPA requirements and the standards for academic standing. Any ineligible student who enrolls during a long term/semester will be withdrawn by the Registrar, regardless of whether the student has registered or pre-registered and paid fees. The student should be aware that course work taken at another institution while the student is suspended from the University of North Texas may not apply to a degree.

A student who has been suspended from the University of North Texas re-enters on academic probation. A student under academic suspension may attend the UNT summer enrollment periods with the approval of their college or school. Students should contact the academic advising office to request approval for summer enrollment. If, at the end of the summer enrollment period, a student raises the CGPA to a minimum of 2.0, the student will be reinstated in good academic standing.

Course Duplications

A student may take a course a second or subsequent time. The Registrar's Office will post duplications at the request of the student, at the request of an academic advisor or upon review of the student's record. Until a duplication is posted the Registrar's Office includes a repeated course in the student's cumulative record of hours attempted and grade points earned. The Registrar includes without exception any course repeated more than once in the student's cumulative record of hours attempted and grade points earned. Departments may count the highest grade for departmental GPA requirements; however, the academic dean uses only the last grade recorded in certifying the student's eligibility for graduation.

Undergraduate students who enroll in the same course more than twice may be charged additional tuition amounts.

Status Changes Due to Course Duplications

A student request for the recording of a course duplication made before or on the last class day of any term or session will be reflected in the hours attempted and grade points earned at the beginning of the term/semester or session.

If a student who is on academic alert or academic probation requests the recording of course duplications, and the resulting adjusted CGPA equals or exceeds the minimum CGPA requirement, the academic alert or probation status will be removed if the student notifies the Registrar's Office on or before the last class day for that term/semester or session. Otherwise, the student will remain on academic alert or probation for that enrollment period and be subject to attendant penalties.

If a student is suspended at the end of a term/semester during which the student has repeated a course and the posting of that duplication will result in a CGPA that would have been sufficient to be continued on probation at the end of that term/semester (or to be cleared), the student will be reinstated if the student requests the duplication and applies for reinstatement at the Registrar's Office. The delayed posting of course duplications completed during prior enrollment periods cannot be used as a basis for altering suspension history or reinstating lost registration schedules.

Courses duplicated Fall 2005 and later will result in a re-evaluation of a student's suspension history beginning with the term that the duplication was completed. The delayed processing of course duplications and updating of suspension history cannot be used as justification for reinstating lost registration schedules.

Academic Standards for Transfer Students

New UNT students who have fewer than 30 hours of transfer credit, excluding non-traditional credit, who are admitted via individual review and have less than the minimum CGPA requirement will be placed on academic alert. Other transfer students with 30 or more hours of transfer credit who are admitted via individual review are placed automatically on academic probation if their transfer cumulative grade point average falls below the minimum CGPA requirement. See "Transfer Students" in the Admission section of the catalog for a statement of current minimum entrance requirements for transfer students. To avoid academic suspension, transfer students admitted on academic probation must make a grade point average equal to or exceeding the minimum CGPA requirement.

Transfer students admitted to UNT in good standing are subject to minimum academic requirements. Thus, if at the end of the first enrollment period a transfer student's grade point average on all work attempted at UNT does not meet the minimum CGPA requirement, the student will be placed on academic alert or academic probation for the next period of enrollment and the Regulations Governing Students on Academic Alert or Academic Probation will apply.

Transfer students who have more than 30 credit hours and are admitted to UNT on academic probation are evaluated at the end of their first long term/semester in attendance, at which time they are either cleared from probation or suspended. To avoid academic suspension, the student must have earned a CGPA on all work attempted at UNT equal to or greater than the minimum CGPA requirement.

Additional information concerning academic status is available from the offices of the academic deans or the Registrar's Office.

Additional information concerning academic status is available from your academic advisor or the Registrar's Office.

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