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Evidence compromised in Mueller probe: Pierson @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness

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Eagles' Chris Long: 'I'm not going to the White House. Are you kidding me?'

It's Super Bowl week, which means among other things that it's time to ask players involved if they plan to accompany their team to the White House, should that team win it all. The Philadelphia Eagles' Chris Long didn't even wait until Monday's media day to assert that, with President Donald Trump in office, he would not want to make the trip.

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'SNL' comedian Leslie Jones returns to NBC's Olympic coverage as super fan

Super fan Leslie Jones is returning to the Olympics.

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Your Brain Reveals Who Your Friends Are

You may perceive the world the way your friends do, according to a Dartmouth study finding that friends have similar neural responses to real-world stimuli and these similarities can be used to predict who your friends are.

The research is in Nature Communications. (full open access)

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Google says it removed 700K apps from the Play Store in 2017, up 70% from 2016

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Instagram now allows businesses to schedule their posts

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UK keeps up its legal losing streak over mass surveillance

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‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Will Force NASA to Shut Down Lunar Spacecraft Instruments - Seeker

'... Eclipses put a strain on the spacecraft because it uses the sun for power. If the moon is in the Earth's shadow, sunlight can't reach it and LRO switches to batter power, principal investigator Noah Petro told Seeker. The LRO team is a veteran group at keeping the spacecraft safe, as total lunar eclipses have occurred seven times since the orbiter’s launch in 2009. ...'

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The Griffin-Drummond battles are a thing of the past.

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You think the weather is unbearable where you are? Consider an exoplanet.

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That one day we had some sun this January.

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{ From The Clothesline }

You Took My Breath Away

( )

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Coal worker
An old man working in a coal shop, who in the course of next few years is likely to develop coal workers' pneumoconiosis. A dire need to create awareness and protect the rights of labor class.

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Cone shredder

Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Svartskog, Norway

Only after I captured the tongue out on the side did I realize how fast the squirrel is during the shredding of a cone. Oh – I did know it was fast and have enjoyed countless shredding sessions around my house – in fact every late summer since I was a child.

But what have always looked like a teeth and hands process from my vantage point is in fact an even more complex and impressive use of muscles and body parts.

Sitting under one during a cone shredding you’ll see cone pieces falling down at an impressive rate, but I assumed it simply let gravity take care of the inedible parts. I now realise it's not only utilising the tongue very actively but also spits at an impressive speed.

#squirrel #mammals #svartskog

Image Copyright © 2017 +Morten Ross
Image Capture Date: 12 October 2014 13:11
Altitude: 10 meters

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The three friends
Look at these lovely trees with fresh snow (and snow still falling off)... amazing right?
#winter #lovenature #snow #forest #tree

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in the morning

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Whilst our friends on the northern side of the planet freeze their nuts off we have the best of both worlds, hiking in the middle of summer in 30 degree heat only to come across these large tracks of unmelted snow from last years winter - the perfect way to cool down.
Both girls enjoyed exploring the ice overhangs and sliding down the snow bridge. Whilst this image does not do the scale justice, the overhangs are about 1.5m to 2m high..

This image is a 4 shot panorama (handle held) with each shot bracketed to capture the highlights and shadows of the ice overhangs.

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U.S. delegation chased out of Bethlehem: ‘You are not welcome anymore’

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NASA releases new stunning images of Mars

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GNU -- The Free Software Foundation's largest-ever single contribution came in the form of one million dollars worth of Bitcoin.
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