Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
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Proposed Rules

The Texas Legislative Council makes the Texas Statutes available on the following website: http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/. Most of the statutes that are applicable to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board are found in the Education Code, Title 3.

The rules adopted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) are part of a larger body of state agency rules that are collected and published by the Office of the Secretary of State as the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). THECB's rules are codified under Title 19, Part I, of the TAC. Title 19 is Education, and Part I is the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The THECB may adopt new rules or amendments to existing rules.

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Recently Proposed Rules
The following rules are proposed by the Commissioner of Higher Education and will be considered at the next Board Meeting (October 2009):

Chapter, Subchapter, SectionProposed RuleCurrent RuleProposed By

Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Section 1.16

Agency Administration - General Provisions

 Proposed Current Commissioner

Chapter 4, Subchapter B, Section 4.36

Undergraduate Academic Certificate



Chapter 4, Subchapter G, Section 4.151; 4.153; 4.155

Early College High Schools and Middle Colleges




Chapter 4, Subchapter H, Section 4.177

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - P-16 College Readiness and Success




 Chapter 4, Subchapter L

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - Intensive Summer Program Grants




Chapter 4, Subchapter N, Section 4.225 - 4.229

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Eduction in Texas - Public Access to Course Information



Chapter 4, Subchapter O, Section 4.240 - 4.245

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - Uniform Recruitment and Retention Strategy



Chapter 4, Subchapter P, Section 4.255 - 4.264

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - Approval of Distance Education Courses and Programs for Public Institutions



Chapter 4, Subchapter Q, Section 4.270 - 4.279

Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - Approval of Off-Campus and Self-Supporting Courses and Programs for Public Institutions



Chapter 5, Subchapter A, Section 5.5

Rules Applying to Public Universities and Health-Related Institutions of Higher Education - General Provisions

Proposed  Current Commissioner

Chapter 5, Subchapter C, Section 5.48

Rules Applying to Public Universities, Health-Related Institutions, and/or Selected Public Colleges of Higher Education in Texas - Approval of New Academic Programs and Administrative Changes at Public Universities, Health-Related Institutions, and/or Selected Public Colleges




Chapter 5, Subchapter G, Section 5.120 - 5.122

Rules Applying to Public Universities, Health-Related Institutions, and/or Selected Public Colleges of Higher Education in Texas - Strategic Planning and Grant Programs Related to Emerging Research and/or Research Universities



Chapter 5, Subchapter H, Section 5.130 - 5.134

Rules Applying to Public Universities, Health-Related Institutions, and/or Selected Public Colleges of Higher Education in Texas - University Funding for Excellence in Specific Programs and Fields Incentive Grants and Awards



Chapter 6, Subchapter D, Section 6.81 - 6.83

Health Education, Training, and Research Funds - Texas Hospital-Based Nursing Education Grant Program




Chapter 7, Subchapter A,  Section 7.1 - 7.13

Degree Granting Colleges and Universities Other Than Texas Public Institutions - General Provisions



Chapter 9, Subchapter A, Section 9.1

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Definitions




Chapter 9, Subchapter B, Section 9.27, 9.28

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - General Provisions




Chapter 9, Subchapter C, Section 9.53, 9.55

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Purpose, Role, and Mission




Chapter 9, Subchapter E, Section 9.92, 9.93, 9.95

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Certificate and Associate Degree Programs




Chapter 9, Subchapter F, Section 9.112, 9.113, 9.114

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Career Technical/Workforce Continuing Education Courses




Chapter 9, Subchapter J, Section 9.181 - 9.186

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Academic Associate Degree and Certificate Programs




Chapter 9, Subchapter K, Section 9.203, 9.206

Program Development in Public Two-Year Colleges - Tech Prep Programs and Consortia




Chapter 10, Subchapter A, 10.1 - 10.3

Institutional Effectiveness in Public Two-Year Colleges - Purpose, Authority, and Definitions




Chapter 10, Subchapter B, 10.21 - 10.24

Institutional Effectiveness in Public Two-Year Colleges - General Provisions




Chapter 13, Subchapter I, Section 13.150 - 13.152

Performance Incentive Funding



Chapter 15, Subchapter A, Section 15.1, 15.2, 15.10

National Research Universities - General Provisions



Chapter 21, Subchapter E, Section 21.122, 21.129

Student Services - Texas B-On-Time Loan Program




Chapter 21, Subchapter J, Section 21.251 - 21.262

Student Services - The Physician Education Loan Repayment Program



Chapter 21, Subchapter R, Section 21.566

Student Services - Dental Education Loan Repayment Program




Chapter 21, Subchapter T, 21.610 - 21.614

Student Services - The Vaccination Against Bacterial Meningitis for Students Approved to Reside in On-Campus Dormitories or Other On-Campus Housing Facilities at Institutions of Higher Education

Proposed Commissioner

Chapter 21, Subchapter NN, Section 21.2101 - 21.2102

Student Services - Exemption Program for Veterans and Their Dependents (The Hazlewood Act)




Chapter 21, Subchapter PP, Section 21.2220 - 21.2222

Student Services - Provisions for Uniform Standards for Publication of Cost of Attendance Information 

 Proposed Commissioner

Chapter 21, Subchapter QQ, Section 21.2230 - 21.2232

Student Services - Provisions for Notice to Students Regarding Tuition Set Aside for Financial Assistance

Proposed  Commissioner

Chapter 21, Subchapter RR, Section 21.2240 - 21.2250

Student Services - Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program

 Proposed Commissioner

Recently Adopted Rules
The following rules were adopted at the previous Board Meeting (January 2009):

Chapter, Subchapter, SectionAdopted Rule
Chapter 5, Subchapter C
Rules Applying to Public Universities and/or Health-Related Institutions of Higher Education in Texas - Approval of New Academic Programs and Administrative Changes at Public Universities and/or Health-Related Institutions
Chapter 7, Subchapter A
Degree Granting Colleges and Universities Other Than Texas Public Institutions - General Provisions
Chapter 17, Subchapter I
Resource Planning - Rules Applying to Energy Savings Performance Contract Projects
Chapter 21, Subchapter NN
Student Services - Exemption Program for Veterans and Their Dependents (The Hazelwood Act)
Chapter 22, Subchapter KAdopted
Chapter 22, Subchapter L
Grant and Scholarship Programs - Toward, EXcellence, Access and Success (TEXAS) Grant Program

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
The following MOUs are currently in effect:

TitleInvolved Parties
Controlled SubstancesDPS

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