Journalism Courses

Journalism, JOUR = 0148

1210 (COMM 1307). Survey of Mass Communication. 3 hours. Principles of mass communication including historical, economic, social, ethical and legal factors influencing the operation and content of the mass media. Impact of new technology in changing the media. A survey of mass communication areas (newspapers, magazines, advertising, public relations, television, wire services and networks), and careers they offer. Satisfies the Understanding of Ideas and Values, Diversity in the United States, requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2010 (COMM 2327). Principles of Advertising. 3 hours. Economic and social aspects, research, creative functions, media, production, and federal laws affecting advertising; fundamentals of advertising copy and layout.

2020. Advertising and the Creative Process. 3 hours. (3;2) Fundamentals of creative thinking with application to the production of advertisements; principles of copywriting and rough layouts; examination of perception and value structures with regard to people and products; emphasis on research, ideation, selling and writing. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2010.

2310-2320. Newspaper Reporting and Writing. 4 hours each. (3;8).

2310 (COMM 2311). Fundamentals of news writing and gathering; practical problems of the reporter. Class members are student reporters for the university student newspaper, their work subject to classroom analysis and criticism. Prerequisite(s): students must demonstrate the required typing proficiency to stay in the course.

2320 (COMM 2315). Continued practice in news gathering and writing to develop news judgment, craftsmanship and ability to handle complex news stories. Regular campus beat and special assignment reporting. Prerequisite: JOUR 2310.

2700 (COMM 1317). Beginning Press Photography. 3 hours. (3;2) Fundamentals of photojournalism and darkroom work; basic training for more advanced photographic assignments required in JOUR 3700.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3010. Advertising Sales and Promotion. 4 hours. (3;8) Salesmanship instruction and practice with the student newspaper as a laboratory; copywriting, layout preparation, use of art and art services, graphics, and sales calls on Denton business firms; advertising plans, print media research and promotion. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2020.

3310. Feature Writing. 3 hours. Analysis of newspaper and magazine feature material, from human interest stories to magazine articles; clinical course to develop writing skills, free-lance abilities and interests of journalism students. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320.

3320. Desk Work. 4 hours. (3;6) The editor's functions in handling news copy from writing to the printed page or script with emphasis on writing quality and the new technology of production. Includes copy editing and headline writing, computers as tools of the trade, picture cropping and caption writing, working with wire service copy, press law and type, ethics, typography and graphics. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320.

3700. Press Photography. 3 hours. (2;3) Laboratory in photography in newspapers, magazines and syndicates; instruction and practice in use of press cameras, developing, printing and enlarging; composition of news pictures; students cover photographic assignments for university publications. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2310, 2320 and 2700.

3900. Special Problems. 3 hours.

4040. Advertising Media and Marketing Strategy. 3 hours. Modern print- and time-buying procedures important to media salespeople as well as to advertising agency media buyers. Assignments in audience research including understanding uses of Arbitron, identifying media that reach definitive target audiences and using effective media mixes. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2010 and junior standing, or consent of department. (Same as MKTG 4040.)

4050. Advertising Copywriting. 3 hours. Advertising strategy and execution (writing) for print, broadcast and other media. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 3010 (may be taken concurrently), junior standing, or consent of department.

4055. Broadcast Advertising. 3 hours. Writing television and radio scripts, followed by actual production of the scripts in a television studio and a sound recording studio. Lectures cover writing, preproduction, production and examples of radio and television commercials. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 4050, junior standing and consent of department.

4060. Case Studies in Advertising Administration. 3 hours. Advertising policy, and strategy formulation and implementation; creative and media decision making structure and procedure; advertising and marketing mix coordination; professional client, agency, media and collateral systematization; consumer, retail, industrial and institutional applications; current industry dynamics, controversies, trends and implications. Prerequisite(s): senior standing and JOUR 4040 and 4050, or consent of department.

4070. Advertising Campaigns. 3 hours. Role of the advertising agency. Factors in an advertising campaign. Creation of an advertising plan and creation of a campaign from scratch, bringing together skills and knowledge from all other advertising courses. Presentation of a campaign. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 4040 and 4050.

4090. Advertising Practicum. 3 hours. Supervised off-campus advertising work experience in Denton, Dallas and Fort Worth areas offered to selected advertising majors. Students must apply for practicum in advance and are assigned only if they meet standards set
by the department. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 4070 or consent of department. Students may not earn credit for both JOUR 4090 and 4800.

4100. Supervising School Publications. 3 hours. For journalism teachers who plan to supervise high school or college newspapers, yearbooks and magazines; teaching of basic journalism courses, staff organization, editorial supervision, advertising sales, business management, promotion and production; school publications and school administration. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320 and junior standing, or consent of department.

4200. Microcomputer Applications in Journalism. 4 hours. (3;4) Microcomputers in newspaper and magazine production, advertising and public relations. Experience with software tools in word processing for typesetting, desktop publishing, advertising production and public relations communication. On-line data applications for reporting, advertising, public relations and publications. Journalistic applications of project management, telecommunications and database publishing. Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1100 or proficiency and consent of department.

4210. Topics in Journalism and Mass Media. 3 hours. Rotating topics. Representative topics include: sports writing, direct advertising, minorities in the media, public relations/advertising research. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

4310. Creative Writing. 3 hours. Various forms of creative writing; short story. Prerequisite(s): junior standing and consent of department. Offered in alternate years.

4321. Opinion Writing. 3 hours. Writing for the editorial page: editorials and columns. Writing critical reviews of literature, performing arts and the visual arts. Emphasis on editorials, book reviews and theatrical, musical, dance, film and television performances. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320 or consent of department.

4330. Broadcast News. 3 hours. (2;3) Gathering, preparation and presentation of a generic broadcast news product. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2200 or 2350; JOUR 2310; successful completion of ATTD 1100 (Basic Facility in Typewriting) or equivalent, or passing of typewriting proficiency examination; and consent of the department. (Same as RTVF 4330.)

4410. Reporting of Public Affairs. 4 hours. (3;4) Police, court, political and governmental news with typical practical news assignments; background and practice in writing specialized stories typically covered in the average American city. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320.

4420. Public Relations. 3 hours. Principles, techniques and ethics used in planning programs for businesses, schools, colleges, churches and civic associations. Public relations cases are studied.

4450. Case Studies in Public Relations. 3 hours. Application of public relations principles to cases and problems; analysis of case histories; emphasis on planning and execution of public relations activities, fact-finding, research, public(s), objectives and evaluation of programs. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 4420.

4460. Public Relations Communication. 3 hours. Writing, editing and producing a wide range of public relations communications materials. Emphasizes use of microcomputers and laser printer in typographic and graphic design and production. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320, 3320, 4200 and 4420.

4480. Public Relations Practicum. 3 hours. (0;0;practicum) Supervised experience with public relations firms and departments of organizations. Students must apply for the practicum in advance and are assigned only if they meet standards set by the department. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 3320, 4420 and 4460. Students may not earn credit for both JOUR 4480 and 4800.

4510. Newspaper Management, Problems and Ethics. 3 hours. Ethical and financial problems in editing and managing a newspaper; press freedom, ethics and law; newspaper financing, cost of publication, accounting, plant management and circulation. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2320.

4620. Mass Communication Law. 3 hours. Legal and ethical problems of mass media: court systems, case procedures, First Amendment concerns, libel, privacy, free press and fair trial, reporting privileges, advertising and public relations law and regulation, pornography, broadcasting regulations, media concentration, media competition and copyright.

4700. Staff Photography. 3 hours. Students assigned to positions on publications staff; professional camera equipment, processing techniques and shooting methods. Laboratory hours fluctuate to fit times of events to be photographed and publication deadlines. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2700 and 3700.

4720. Digital Photography. 3 hours. (3;3-6) Examines the photographic "digital chain": capture, input, manipulation, output and storage of images. Darkroom tasks such as cropping, dodging, burning and color balancing are performed digitally. Basic software is taught to provide sufficient skills to produce digital photo essay pages. Group projects are put on the World Wide Web. The major emphasis is the prepress handling of photographs and the creation of visual communication materials appropriate for various types of publications including on-line. Ethical and legal concerns involved in working with digital images will be addressed. Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1100 (or proficiency); JOUR 2700, and JOUR 3700 or ART 3550

4750. Color Press Photography. 3 hours. (3;3) Personalized instruction in color photography for publications. Students shoot and process transparencies and negatives and produce prints from both processes. Emphasis is placed on magazine and newspaper photographs. Students purchase their own supplies. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 3700 or consent of department.

4800. Professional Internship. 3 hours. Practical experience through full-time employment under the supervision of a professor and a professional in the office involved. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. Must be arranged in advance of enrollment. Limit of 3
hours of credit. Different sections scheduled for: advertising, news, photojournalism and public relations internships. Advertising students may not receive credit for both JOUR 4090 and 4800. Public relations students may not receive credit for both JOUR 4480 and 4800. Broadcast news students may not receive credit for both RTVF 4480 and JOUR 4800.

4820. History of American Media. 3 hours. Main trends and economic, social, political, and technological factors and people that produced the institutions and traditions of the American mass media; emphasis on the changing roles of media and the impact of new communications technologies in the 20th century.

4850. Magazine Production. 3 hours. History of American magazines; production sequence of a publication, composition and printing methods, layout problems, writing to fit, cost-quality factors, rewrite, copy reading, styling, writing, titles, blurbs, captions and fitting galleys into layouts. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 3320 or consent of department.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

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