UNT Home | Graduate Studies | College of Health and Public Service | Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology

Master's and Doctoral Programs

Graduate opportunities

Pursuing a graduate degree in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at the University of North Texas prepares you to work effectively with people who have communication disorders. It also advances the discipline through professional, clinical and research activities.

We offer course work leading to the Master of Arts or Master of Science degrees in Speech-Language Pathology and a Doctor of Audiology degree. In addition, completing required course work, laboratory training and clinical practicum experiences qualifies you for national certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and state licensure.

You can gain valuable research experience by working with our faculty members on various projects. You’ll have access to laboratories for research, clinical treatment rooms, a clinic library, a student workroom and a computer lab. Faculty research areas include:

  • Aphasia
  • Articulation
  • Auditory evoked potential
  • Auditory rehabilitation
  • Correlates of tinnitus
  • Hearing technology
  • Speech perception
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Vocal pathologies

Other collaborative research projects are conducted with the College of Music and the biological sciences, electrical engineering and physics departments.

Our programs were among the first accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (2200 Research Blvd.; Rockville, Md. 20850-3289; telephone 301-296-5700).

Excellent hands-on opportunities

Along with the on-campus practicum at the UNT Speech and Hearing Center, practicum opportunities are available at more than 100 sites in the region. Sites include hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers and public schools administering hearing screenings and raising hearing loss awareness. All practicum requirements are closely monitored by a clinical supervisor.

Our students are prepared academically and clinically throughout their programs. Clinical competencies are reviewed each semester with the clinical supervisor. Academic knowledge and clinical competency are also studied through formative and summative assessments at different stages of the programs.

Students enjoy a 100 percent employment rate within six months of graduation and have a 100 percent pass rate on the AHSA Praxis Exam.

Outstanding student support

UNT provides a wide variety of services exclusively to graduate students. The Graduate Student Writing Support office can help you with writing, and the Office of Research Consulting offers assistance with statistical research.

The Toulouse Graduate School® offers several professional development workshops, including Thesis and Dissertation Boot Camps. Many of the workshops are available online for your convenience.

Attending UNT

Admission requirements

You’ll need to meet the admission requirements for the graduate school and the following program requirements:

  • Completed program application
  • GRE scores
  • Official transcripts from all schools attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • A personal statement of future professional goals

Applicants to the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology degree programs should submit a completed application form by Feb. 1 for admission the following fall semester. The graduate school’s admission requirements are outlined at graduateschool.unt.edu or catalog.unt.edu.

Degree requirements

M.A. and M.S. degrees

There are two options for both master’s degrees:

  • 45 credit hours of course work and a clinical practicum
  • 39 credit hours of course work, 6 credit hours of thesis and a clinical practicum

Each option requires an additional 6 credit hours in audiology.

If you write a thesis, you must pass an oral exam administered by the thesis committee on your topic. A written comprehensive exam is required if you don’t write a thesis. The comprehensive exam focuses on the various content areas of speech-language pathology, including normal aspects of speech, language, swallowing and hearing.

Au.D. in Audiology

This is a four-year, post-baccalaureate degree. Degree requirements include:

  • 70 to 78 credit hours of course work
  • 44 credit hours of clinical practicum (with a minimum of 1,850 clock hours)
  • A faculty-directed research project
  • Passing of comprehensive, formative and summative exa ms
  • During the fourth year of the program, completion of an externship, which may involve relocation or travel

Financial assistance

Semester-long graduate assistantships and scholarships are available. Faculty members may also have research money available for partial support of a research assistant. All assistantships and scholarships are competitive. More information about financial assistance programs is available at financialaid.unt.edu or graduateschool.unt.edu.