The purpose of Jagger's Den funding is to assist recognized student organizations with their programs, which are defined as events, services, or projects.

All funding requests must be turned in online through this form by the following deadlines each semester:

  • Fall: September 1st
  • Spring: February 2nd

SGA Hearings will be scheduled by the SGA Finance Chair. After the application deadline, applicants will be notified by appropriate correspondence by the Jagger's Den Funding Committee Chair via an email to the president and the program organizer to schedule a hearing time on one of the designated hearing days. A hearing is required for an organization executive officer or organization representative where he or she is required to give a 3-5 minute presentation that addresses the following points:

  • Please describe the program for which funding is being requested. Include the name, projected date, and purpose.
  • How will this program adhere to your organization's mission?
  • How will this program benefit the UNT Dallas community?

Please make sure you have a detailed budget, event flyer, and a letter signed by your organization's advisor stating that they approve the event or program for which you are request funding.
For more information, please contact SGA at 972.338.1775 or email them at

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Who is filling out this form? Please indicate which option best describes you.
Please indicate that you have read and reviewed the Jagger's Den restrictions and requirements. By checking the box to the right you are indicating that you understand each item listed.
I Understand
EVENT ADMISSION. Events funded through Jagger’s Den must be open to all students and the events may not require an admission fee for the program. *
BETTERMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. All programs receiving funding from Jagger's Den must directly benefit the Student body of the University of North Texas at Dallas, enhance the image of the University. All programs receiving funding must serve for the betterment of campus life, present an opportunity for student involvement, and provide equal access to all students where reasonable accommodations can be made. *
FUNDRAISING RESTRICTIONS. Monies granted by the Jagger's Den Funding Committee cannot be used to make a profit for the organization or fundraising. Organizations may ask for donations, raffle prizes donated from another source, or sell t-shirts paid for by either the organization or other source. *
REQUEST PROCESS. After eligibility status and forms have been checked and reviewed, the chair of the Jagger's Den committee will notify the organization president of the funding request status. Please be aware that after an organization is granted funding, UNT Dallas Student Affairs, NOT SGA, will be responsible for processing the organization’s funding. Once the Funding Request Committee decides on the amount of funding an organization will get, the organization must submit any quotes for items or W9 forms for vendors and coordinate purchases with the Office of Student Affairs. No reimbursements are allowed. *
TERMS. This form comprises the Jagger's Den Funding Request Packet. It is not considered complete until all items are filled out, all electronic signatures/initials are complete, and all required documents are attached. The funding request and your organization (if funded) are subject to all rules, requirements and responsibilities for funding as found in the Jagger's Den Policies and Procedures and University policy. In addition, please be aware that by signing the funding request form as a representative of your organization, if your organization is granted funding, you, your organization, and possibly the president will be held liable for the requirements of funding. If for any reason the contact person or president leaves the organization, the organization is still responsible for fulfilling the requirements of funding. If an organization meets the requirements for funding, allocation of funding is not guaranteed. The amount may be granted in whole, part or denied. The Funding Request Committee will not deny funding on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, nationality, political affiliation, or any other individual differences. *
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. In this Packet, you will need to include a detailed program budget, well-thought out answers to the supplemental questions about your program, and a letter from your organization's advisor stating that they approve the event for which you are requesting money. If any of the items in this Packet are missing or are incomplete, the request will not be considered. *
The funding request and your organization (if funded) are subject to all rules, requirements and responsibilities for funding as found in the Jagger's Den Policies and Procedures and University policy. Please indicate that you have read and reviewed the responsibilities of your organization during this funding request process. By checking the box to the right you are indicating that you understand each item listed.
I Understand
REGISTRATION. The applying organization must be officially registered and recognized with UNT Dallas Student Affairs as a Registered Student Organization (RSO). *
DEADLINE. The application deadline is firm, and no late submissions will be accepted. The Funding Request packet must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the program. The Funding Request Committee will award funding to organizations based on merit and time of application entry. To increase the likelihood of receiving funding organizations should submit the funding request packet as early as possible. *
HEARING. An organization that applies for Jagger's Den funding must attend their scheduled Funding Request Committee hearing. The SGA Finance Officer will schedule a hearing as applications are received. *
ADVERTISING. Organizations receiving funding must provide proof of advertising for the program. Documentation of advertising must be provided to UNT Dallas Student Affairs for record keeping purposes. Funded organizations, in any advertisement, must include and display the SGA logo that the Student Government Association (SGA) sponsors the program. This includes, but is not limited to: flyers, brochures, t-shirts, etc. Organizations that fail to provide proof of advertising and additional documentation to UNT Dallas Student Affairs 2 weeks prior to the program will become ineligible for funding in the current semester. If the organization is requesting a promotional item or advertising purchase, they must include a sketch of the design of the proposed artwork with the application and request form. If the final design includes the UNTD logo, the “University of North Texas at Dallas”, or any other University trademark displayed, it must be approved by UNT Dallas Marketing and Communications. That request MUST come through Student Affairs. *
COORDINATE PURCHASES. If an organization is granted funds, all purchases will be made by UNT Dallas Student Affairs based on the allocation allowances/restrictions set by the Funding Request Committee. The organizations must coordinate purchases with the Office of Student Affairs. Once an organization has submitted all quotes and/or W9 forms for vendors, UNT Dallas Student Affairs will purchase all items as listed on the detailed budget. If applicable, please include a quote from vendors in this application. *
CHANGES. Organizations receiving funding are restricted to spending the funding as allocated by the committee; any changes desired by the organization must be emailed to and approved by UNT Dallas Student Affairs. *
REQUIREMENTS & RESTRICTIONS. Student Organizations applying for funding must abide by all requirements and restrictions set forth by the University, Office of Student Affairs, the Student Government Association, and the Funding Request Committee. This includes those listed in this application as well as university policies and procedures, federal law, state law, and local ordinances. *
BREAKING THIS AGREEMENT. If an organization breaks the Jagger's Den funding agreement the Funding Request Committee will revoke funding and/or remove funding privileges of the organization for any set amount of time not to exceed four long semesters. In addition, any violations of the Code of Student Conduct will be reported to the Director of UNT Dallas Student Affairs. Any organization demonstrating activity not congruent with the mission or objectives of the University of North Texas at Dallas will have funding privileges suspended upon agreement of the SGA Advisor and UNT Dallas Student Affairs. *