Radio, Television and Film

Radio/Television/Film, RTVF = 0161

4310. Acting for Film and Television. 3 hours. (3;2) A study of the role of the actor in contemporary film and television productions. Methods and styles of acting in relationship to the script, the environment and off-camera personnel. Viewing and discussing performances in current film/television productions. Prerequisite(s): 75 hours of university or college work and 27 credit hours in either THEA or RTVF, including RTVF 2200 or 2350; THEA 2350; or consent of both departments. (Same as THEA 4310.)

4320. Law and Regulations for Radio/Television/Film. 3 hours. Laws and regulations affecting broadcasting, cable, film and related areas.

4330. Broadcast News. 3 hours. (2;3) Gathering, preparation and presentation of a generic broadcast news product. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2200 or 2350 or 2550. (Same as JOUR 4330.)

4340. The Non-Theatrical Film. 3 hours. (3;2) A study of non-theatrical film forms, such as the documentary, newsreel, educational and public relations film.

4400. Advanced Film Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Techniques of planning and production; production of a film project. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3440 and consent of department.

4410. Media Studies Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics. Representative topics include: Films of Buster Keaton, AIDS, mass media and public policy, and production management. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4411. Video Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in video production. Representative topics include documentary production and music for television production. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2350 or consent of department.

4412. Film Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in film production. Representative topics include lighting for cinematography and directing for film. May be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2550 and 3440 and consent of department.

4413. Audio Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in audio production. Representative topics include music for film and television and digital audio effects. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2250 and 3650 and consent of department.

4420. Broadcast and Cable Television Programming. 3 hours. Theories and strategies of program selection, scheduling and evaluation for broadcast stations and cable television systems. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 1310 or consent of department.

4430. Broadcast and Cable Management. 3 hours. Financial, legal and technical aspects of broadcast stations and cable television systems. Prerequisite(s): junior standing, RTVF 1310 or consent of department.

4440. Broadcast Advertising. 3 hours. (3;2) Economics, standards and ethics of advertising in the broadcast media, including the use of broadcast research to develop an advertising campaign.

4460. Play and Film Scriptwriting. 3 hours. Dramatic theory, structure, characterization, dialogue and technical media as used by the playwright or the film scriptwriter in both dramatic and comedic works. Study of the scriptwriting process from proposal to production. Marketing of scripts. Practice in playwriting and film scriptwriting. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. May be repeated once for credit, but no more than 3 hours may be counted toward a major in RTVF. (Same as THEA 4460.)

4480. Internship in Radio/Television/Film. 1-3 hours.Supervised off-campus work experience in a job that relates to student's career objective. Prerequisite(s): meet employer's requirements, have consent of department and junior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3484, 3485, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, and 4910. Pass/no pass only. Designed primarily for continuing RTVF majors at the University of North Texas.

4490. Television for Business, Industry and Education. 3 hours. (2;4) Planning, production and utilization of television programs for instruction and corporate communication. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3490.

4510. Corporate Media. 3 hours. Theory and uses of film, video and slides in business and industry. Area producers show their work and discuss production techniques. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 2350 or 2550, or consent of department.

4640. Persuasion in Mass Communication. 3 hours. Analysis of influence through mass media. Theories of motivation. Includes study of persuasion in dramatic and documentary films, the psychology of advertising and public relations campaigns.

4660. Cinema, Television and Ideology. 3 hours. Examination of the ideological content of narrative film and television and the ways in which it is communicated.

4670. Economics of Mass Media. 3 hours. Analysis of the economic parameters of the current and past media industries, particularly film, television and the cable industries. Includes study of the history and development of the film and subsequent media industries.

4700. Film Criticism. 3 hours. Criticism and analysis of contemporary films. Utilization of campus, local and Metroplex screenings for research purposes and critical papers. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

4710. Film Aesthetics. 3 hours. Examination of the ways scholars, critics and filmmakers have explained and discussed the materials
used to make movies and how these materials may be used to construct films and produce meaning. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3450 or consent of instructor.

4750. Advanced Television Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Advanced directing, postproduction editing, producer responsibilities and creative programs. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3750 or consent of department.

4760. Documentary Preproduction. 3 hours. The design of documentary productions of all types, in both film and video. Topics include the selection of subjects, research techniques, proposal writing, location scouting, funding and budgeting. Several case histories are examined and excerpts from a variety of documentary productions are screened. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 1320 or the equivalent.

5120. Literature of Radio, Television and Film I. 3 hours. Overview of non-quantitative models for research and analysis in this field, including semiotics, ideological criticism, feminist criticism, historiography, genre study and cultural studies.

5130. Literature of Radio, Television and Film II. 3 hours. Overview of quantitative research methods in the field, with an emphasis on statistical analysis, sampling procedures and project design.

5200. Radio/Television/Film Production. 3 hours. (3;3) Production techniques for graduate students. Audio, television (studio and location) and film methods are investigated. Production exercises and experiments. Leveling course for RTVF majors. Does not count toward RTVF major.

5310. Studies in Film History. 3 hours. Historiographically based study of specific aspects of film history, including institutional analysis, local and regional production and exhibition, and analysis of particular historical eras. Rotating topics. May be repeated once when topic varies.

5400. Media Studies Seminars. 3 hours. Rotating topics. Representative topics include films of Buster Keaton; AIDS and mass media; and production management. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5401. Video Production Seminar. 3 hours. Rotating topics in video production. Representative topics include documentary production and music for TV production. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5402. Film Production Seminar. 3 hours. Rotating topics in film production. Representative topics include lighting for cinematography and directing for film. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5403. Audio Production Seminar. 3 hours. Rotating topics in audio production. Representative topics include music for film and television and digital audio editing. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5410. History of Electronic Media. 3 hours. Development of radio, television and CATV. Emphasis on technological, artistic, legal and corporate trends.

5440. Implementing Instructional Systems Technology. 3 hours. Systematic development of and production management for technology-based instructional materials. Basic techniques for the production of slide/tape and videotape materials. (Same as CECS 5220.)

5450. Seminar in Film/TV Genres. 3 hours. (3;3) An in-depth study of a specific genre in film or television from its origins through its development as a distinct narrative and aesthetic form. Rotating topics. May be repeated once when topic varies.

5460. International Mass Communication. 3 hours. Study of mass communication media throughout the world, with special attention to press and broadcast systems, the sources and flow of international news, and problems of world communication. (Same as JOUR 5150.)

5480. Practicum in the Teaching of Radio/Television/Film. 3 hours. Training in the teaching of some aspect of radio, television or film. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student prepares and presents instructional units, conducts class discussions and handles administrative matters peculiar to the type of course involved. Duties performed under a teaching fellowship or graduate assistantship do not earn credit in this course. No more than 3 hours may apply toward the master's degree.

5490. Seminar in National Film Styles. 3 hours. (3;3) Rotating topics, may be repeated once as topics vary. An examination of a specific national cinema that highlights distinctive forms of expression, the cultural tradition, sociopolitical influences and conditions of production that contribute to the formation of a national film tradition. Narrative, documentary and avant-garde films are discussed. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3460 or consent of department.

5510. Instructional Systems Design. 3 hours. The design of instructional systems is examined through research reports on the theoretical assumptions of learning and analysis of learning systems as they apply to the development of educational and instructional training programs. (Same as CECS 5210.)

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

5920-5930. Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis. 1-3 hours each.

5950. Master's Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

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