Merchandising and Hospitality Management

Merchandising and Hospitality Management, SMHM = 1110

4000. Merchandising Study Tour. 3 hours. Experience fashion and home furnishings industries through visits to manufacturing facilities, retail establishments, museums, historical structures and industry support organizations. Includes field study in industry centers for fashion (New York), home furnishings (High Point, N.C.), or other selected destinations. Pre-trip and post-trip classes required. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2400 or 2490 and consent of instructor.

4010. Textile and Apparel Industries. 3 hours. Overview of textile and apparel industries with emphasis on international issues and factors affecting processes from the production through distribution of textiles and apparel. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1650, 2490, and 2650, or consent of instructor.

4080. Merchandising Ventures. 3 hours. Exploration of the merchandisers' role in establishing new ventures with fashion and home furnishing products. Includes non-traditional merchandising formats.

4090. Visual Merchandising. 3 hours. Study and application of display principles as related to visual merchandising including store layout. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2360 and 2490 or 2400.

4210. Hospitality Cost Controls. 3 hours. A study of the food, beverage and labor cost control systems used in the hospitality industry. Emphasis is on the use of control systems for managerial planning, analysis and evaluation. Includes the concept and terminology of costs; departmental income and expense statements; budgets; purchasing, receiving and inventory systems. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2020 and 2030.

4250. Quantity Food Production and Management. 3 hours. (2;6) A laboratory-based course designed to provide students with an understanding of quantity food production principles and techniques. Students apply organizational and management skills in the actual operation of a restaurant facility. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1420, 2550 and 4210. BIOL 2380 recommended. Students must apply one semester in advance and pass departmental screening. Uniforms required.

4260. Advanced Club Management. In-depth comprehensive study, strategic planning and analysis of the club manager's role in operating a successful private club including application of specialized computer software and human relations skills. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 3260.

4300. Survey of Beverages in the Hospitality Industry. 3 hours. A study of social beverages commonly used in the hospitality industry. Primary emphasis is on history, language, product identification and production and merchandising techniques for wines, beers, distilled spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Prerequisite(s): student must be 21 years of age or older.

4450. Promotion of Apparel and Home Furnishings. 3 hours. Promotion of apparel and home furnishings throughout production and distribution systems. Emphasis on promotion media, special events and computer applications. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2360 and 2400 or 2490, or consent of instructor.

4650. Private Label Merchandising. 3 hours. Students plan, develop and present a textile-based merchandise group for private label apparel or home furnishings goods that are offered by a simulated retail organization. A multi-functional team approach. Includes application of computer software. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1650, 2650 and 3650.

4660. Merchandising Case Studies. 3 hours. Analysis of merchandising and operating cases in retailing and related areas. Emphasis on formulating and evaluating alternatives for effective problem solving. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 3510 and MKTG 4600 or consent of instructor.

4730. Hotel and Restaurant Management Systems. 3 hours. In-depth analysis of the systems approach to marketing management in the hospitality industry. Students will utilize computer simulations to gain an understanding of hotel operations and menu engineering principles. An overall understanding of quality management is emphasized. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3650, MGMT 3820 and SMHM 4210.

4750. Managing a Diverse Work Force in the Merchandising and Hospitality Industry. 3 hours. Exploration of current issues affecting management of the merchandising and hospitality work force, including cultural diversity, family and work values, sexual harassment, ethics and the disabled. Prerequisite(s): senior standing; to be taken during last year of course work.

4820. Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and Design. 3 hours. (2;2) Principles of hotel and restaurant property management and facilities layout and design, emphasizing equipment selection, space allocation, guest and production/service traffic flow patterns and facility operations management. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 4250 (may be taken concurrently).

5240. Assessment of Retailing Practices in Merchandising. 3 hours. Survey and analysis of merchandising principles as employed by representative retail firms (chain, department, specialty, boutique and discount stores). Field trips arranged.

5250. Restaurant Development. 3 hours. The identification, examination and application of restaurant development principles. Topics include menu planning, service styles, dining room and kitchen design, materials purchasing and receiving, food production techniques, accounting and financial management, and merchandising.

5280. Hotel and Restaurant Operations: Theory and Analysis. 3 hours. A study of hotel and restaurant management operations problems, including the areas of budgeting, human resource scheduling and payroll control, sales forecasting, costing and financial
statement analysis. Students will be actively involved in writing and discussing cases on current operations issues.

5300. Research Methods in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. A critical evaluation of research in human resource management. Development of research skills; writing the thesis proposal.

5350. Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. An analysis of current issues, trends and future projections influencing the field of either hotel and restaurant management or fashion merchandising.

5440. Social Psychology of Dress. 3 hours. Application of social-psychological theories to analyze, assess and predict clothing behaviors: selection, satisfaction, purchasing. Topics include role of clothing in self-presentation and interpersonal communication.

5460. Human Relations in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Major areas of human relations skills necessary for managing employees and customers in merchandising and hospitality management are studied. Topics include employee supervision, motivation, communication, training, management development, problem-solving, decision making and stress management.

5550. Sales and Promotion in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Assessment and utilization of sales and promotional techniques appropriate for the merchandising and hospitality industries.

5650. Clothing and Textile Industries in a Global Market. 3 hours. Survey of textile/apparel industries in the United States and selected countries; factors affecting the complex, including import/export trends, sourcing strategies and government regulations.

5750. Technological Advances in the Apparel Industry. 3 hours. Lecture, review of literature and discussion of topics related to technological advances in the apparel industry; field trips to companies utilizing computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) equipment. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 4010 or equivalent.

5790. Field Experiences in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours. Arranged.

5800. Seminar in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5900-5910. Special Problems in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours each. Arranged. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5920. Problem in Lieu of Thesis. 3 hours. No credit given until problem in lieu of thesis is completed.

5950. Master's Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

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