BS in Biology

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BS in Biology (.pdf)

BS in Biology

Note: The order of semesters and summer terms has been changed from the print version to accommodate the one-column format of HTML publishing. A conventional Four-Year Plan is available in the .pdf file.


BIOL 1710, Principles of Biology I 3

BIOL 1730, Principles of Biology I Laboratory 1

CHEM 1410, General Chemistry, or CHEM 1413, Honors General Chemistry10 3

CHEM 1430, General Chemistry Laboratory 1

ENGL 1310, College Writing I 3

MATH 1650, Pre-Calculus I4 5

Total 16


BIOL 2040, Biology of Microorganisms 4

CHEM 2370, Organic Chemistry 3

CHEM 3210, Organic Chemistry Laboratory20 1

ENGL 2210, World Literature I 3

PSCI 1040, American Government I 3

Oral Communication2 3

Total 17


BIOL 3510, Cell Biology 3

BIOL 3520, Cell Biology Laboratory 1

LANG 2040, Foreign Language (intermediate)23 3

PHYS 1410, General Physics I 3

PHYS 1430, General Physics I Laboratory 1

BIOL (advanced)21 4

Wellness11 2-3

Total 17-18


ECON 1110, Principles of Macroeconomics 3

HIST 2610, United States History to 186512 3

BIOL (advanced)21 4

Elective (advanced)16 4

Visual and Performing Arts7 3

Total 17


BIOL 1720, Principles of Biology II 3

BIOL 1740, Principles of Biology II Laboratory 1

CHEM 1420, General Chemistry, or CHEM 1423, Honors General Chemistry10 3

CHEM 1440, General Chemistry Laboratory 1

ENGL 1320, College Writing II6 3

MATH 1710, Calculus I 4


Total 18


BIOL 2140, Principles of Ecology 3

BIOL 3450, Genetics20 4

CHEM 2380, Organic Chemistry 3

CHEM 3220, Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1

ENGL 2220, World Literature II 3

PSCI 1050, American Government II 3

Total 17


LANG 2050, Foreign Language(intermediate)23 3

PHYS 1420, General Physics II 3

PHYS 1440, General Physics Laboratory II 1

BIOL (advanced)21 4

CHEM22 4

Total 15


BIOL (advanced)21 4

BIOL (advanced)21 4

HIST 2620, United States History Since 186512 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values8 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values8 3

Total 17

Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester. Some courses may require prerequisites not listed. See Arts and Sciences folding key (#2) after page 208 for footnotes.

Summary of Degree Requirements:

Biology (28 advanced): 43

Minor (Chemistry, 6 advanced): 20

Physics: 8


English 12

History 6

Political Science 6

Wellness 2-3

Economics 3

Mathematics 9

Understanding of Ideas and Values 6

Visual and Performing Arts 3

Foreign Language or 12 hours additional advanced biology, mathematics or biochemistry: 6-12

Electives: 0-8

Computer Science Proficiency: 0-3

Oral Communication Skills Proficiency: 0-3


42 hours must be advanced; 24 advanced hours must be taken at UNT.

24 of the last 30 hours must be completed at UNT.

Minimum of 76 hours in the sciences, of which 34 must be advanced.

Supplemental Information for BS in Biology

Required courses: BIOL 1710/1730 and 1720/1740; 2040, 2140, 3450 and 3510/3520, plus 20 advanced hours of which 12 must be with laboratory.

General biology, premedical and pre-dental students in consultation with an undergraduate adviser should select the 20 advanced hours from the following: BIOL 3000, 3050, 3370, 3380, 3800/3810, 4070, 4090, 4110, 4200, 4250, 4300, 4420, 4480, 4500, 4530/4540, 4570/4580, 4600, 4750/4760.

By selecting upper-division biology courses from a subdiscipline, it is possible for the BS student to establish, unofficially, an area of study in ecology, microbiology, animal physiology/neuroscience, cell and molecular biology/genetics, or the plant sciences. The subdisciplines of microbiology, botany, ecology and neuroscience have been defined with the courses listed below. Please consult with the undergraduate advising secretary in Room 234 of the Biological Sciences Building for further information.

Microbiology. 20 advanced hours selected from the following: BIOL 3370, 3380, 4090, 4200, 4500, 4530/4540, 4570/4580.

Botany. 20 advanced hours selected from the following: BIOL 3160, 3170, 3370, 4000, 4050, 4070, 4130, 4250, 4260, 4570/4580.

Ecology. 20 advanced hours selected from the following: BIOL 3000, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3800/3810, 4000, 4050, 4070, 4090, 4260, 4380, 4420, 4570/4580.

Neurobiology/Physiology. 20 advanced hours selected from the following: BIOL 3800/3810, 4110, 4250, 4300, 4570/4580, 4750/4760 and PSYC 4640.

A minor in chemistry with a minimum of 20 hours, of which 6 must be advanced, may be completed by taking one course from CHEM 3450, 3530, BIOC 3620, 4540, 4550 or any advanced chemistry. (Premedical and pre-dental students are advised to substitute BIOC 4540-4550 for BIOC 3620.)

Additional required courses: CHEM 1410 or 1413/1430, 1420 or 1423/1440, 2370/3210 and 2380/3220; PHYS 1410/1430 and 1420/1440; MATH 1650, 1710 or equivalent.

Other degree requirements as specified in the College of Arts and Sciences section and "University Core Curriculum Requirements " in the Academics section.

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