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MUEN 2611, Jazz Trumpet Master Class

General Information
Course Objectives: At the completion of this course students will demonstrate an understanding of jazz trumpet performance.
Course Content: The activities will include:
1. An overview of basic technique related to tone production and breath control.
2. An overview of basic finger technique development.
3. Critiques of performances.
4. An overview of historical style periods of jazz trumpet performance.
Required Materials: None
Attendance Policy: Attendance is required at all sessions. Three unexcused absences will result in the reduction of the final grade. Excused absences should be cleared in advance (if possible) and students missing class will be responsible for assignments and homework. Repeated tardiness will result in the reduction of the final grade. BE ON TIME!
Criteria For Grading: There will be several projects and exams throughout the semester. They fall into three main categories:
1. Performance Evaluations
2. Transcription/Performance Projects
3. Tone and Technique Evaluations
The final grade will be an average of the grades for these three areas.