Avis Hall

Graduation Year: 

Avis Hall (’50 M.S.), 104, died Feb. 21. She began her career as a home management supervisor for the Farm Security Administration before working as an instructor in North Texas’ School of Home Economics beginning in 1951. She retired in 1978 as an assistant professor and chair of the clothing and textiles department. She served on the Faculty Senate and was involved in numerous committees, helping to formulate North Texas’ first tenure policy. She also was a longtime sponsor of Phi Upsilon Omicron, the national home economics honorary society. She earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics from the University of Texas, later earning her master’s in home economics from North Texas. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Denton since 1942, and active in the United Methodist Women and its quilting group. She was a life member of the Eastern Star of Denton, the Texas Retired Teachers Association and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. She also was a member of the Shakespeare Club, the Shakespeare Forum of the Arial Club, the Women of N.T. and the Needlecraft Club, the Greater Denton Arts Council and the American Association of Retired Persons.

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