Any UNTD faculty member teaching full-time or part-time during the current academic year is eligible for nomination. Both individual faculty members and teams of faculty members may be nominated.

To be eligible to receive an award, courses/projects must have been taught on any of the following academic terms: Fall 2015, Spring 2016 or Summer 2016.

Each nomination is subject to verification. All submissions will be verified to confirm that individuals are active members of the University of North Texas at Dallas.

Eligible candidates must meet the following selection criteria:

  • Possess a strong commitment to quality online teaching and learning, as evidenced by teaching and scholarly activities designed to advance the quality of online teaching and learning.
  • Use effective and innovative online teaching practices that result in student engagement, student satisfaction, and effectiveness in achieving desired learning outcomes.
  • Demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to fostering the academic success of online students through the development of rapport with individual learners in and beyond the virtual classroom.

Previous Winners

A previous recipient of the Awards for Excellence in Online Teaching:

  • may receive award more than once, but not more than once every three years; and
  • cannot receive award for the same course more than once (e.g. if faculty was recipient of award for work done on a certain course, he/she may not win subsequent award for the same course but must nominate a different course).

Winners of the 2015 Innovative Teaching with Technology Award:

A group project submitted by Dr. Marco Shappeck and Dr. Katie Welch
School of Education
Teacher Education & Administration Department
Courses Spring 2015 (Hybrid):

  • LING 2050: The Language of Now
  • LING 3060: Principles of Language Study
  • LING 4030: Acquisition of English as a Second Language

Winner of the 2015 Outstanding Online Course Award:

Dr. Amy McCortney – School of Human Services, Counseling and Human Development Department

• COUN 5765: Appraisal in Counseling, Summer 2015 (Online)