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Changing Voice Teachers

The following is taken from the College of Music Policy Manual:

  1. The College of Music recognizes the individual rights of all students to act independently in the pursuit of knowledge and to seek varying points of view.
  2. Students have the right to change teachers for the types of study listed above, but should follow the recommended procedure, i.e., the present teacher should be notified in a timely fashion, no later than the final day of the semester before the change is to occur. A student may notify his/her teacher solely in writing, if desired. Faculty members are requested to wait until this notification has taken place before promising to accept a new student. It is understood that students shall suffer no negative repercussions as a result of changing teachers.
  3. Faculty members are expected to respect extant major-professor relationships and thus are not permitted to solicit a student directly or through any other person for the purpose of influencing a change of major professor.
  4. The relationship between teacher and student should be established, maintained, and terminated in a professional manner. Faculty members should respect the personal integrity and privacy of students at all times, while recognizing their responsibility to promote principles of ethical and professional conduct throughout the College of Music community.