Departmental Recitals and Performance Request Form

Departmental Recitals and Performance Request Form

Departmental Voice Recitals are scheduled on Tuesday beginning at 4:00 pm and ending by 5:50 p.m. Attendance is required of all voice students. Voice students should NOT schedule classes, lessons, work, etc. during this time. Students are expected to attend the entire program. Students who leave before the end of the program will not be given credit for attendance. Departmental recitals may run as long as one hour and fifty minutes, so students should plan accordingly. Two un-excused absences will result in a lowering of the final grade in applied voice by one letter grade.

It is the responsibility of each student to make sure that their attendance is registered by the monitors posted at the doorways into Voertman Hall where the departmental recitals take place. Attendance registers will be posted on the Voice Board for verification of accuracy by the student. 

Voice performance majors are expected to perform on Departmental Recital at least once each semester (first semester freshman at the discretion of their teachers). Students intending to perform on Departmental Recital (with the approval of their instructor) must complete the official submission form providing all necessary information required for preparation of the official College of Music program. The deadline for submission is Thursday at 5 p.m. the week before the departmental.

Each semester a list of Departmental Recitals and other voice events will be posted on the Voice Board. Attendance is required at all these events unless a specific request is made to the student’s voice instructor IN ADVANCE of the event. These events will include all Voice Departmental Recitals, Voice Faculty recitals, and voice guest recitals and master classes. There should be student attendance monitors at each such event. It is the responsibility of students to check in with the appropriate monitor at each event. 

The College of Music expects each student with a major in music to attend a variety of concerts and recitals in addition to required departmental recitals as a graduation requirement. Voice students are expected to attend fifteen such programs each semester, in addition to the Departmental Recitals. Additional programs may include UNT recitals, concerts, and UNT Opera Theatre productions. Other events may count toward this total only with the prior approval of the student’s voice teacher. Voice students who fail to meet these requirements will have their grade for Studio Voice lowered by one full letter grade. This policy is to be strictly enforced, regardless of major or instructor! 

To sign up for a Departmental Voice Recital, please enter the following information.

Title of the selection (with all accents), name of the larger work (opera, song cycle, etc.) from which it is drawn, and Opus number or standard letter listing for the work, i.e. Bach - BWV, Handel - HWV, Liszt - A. or S., Mozart - K, Schubert - D.