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University Policies

University Academic Integrity

Students are expected to abide by UNT’s “Student Standards of Academic Integrity” document found at:


Furthermore, students enrolled in any section of Voice are expressly forbidden from studying with another voice teacher, either on- or off-campus, without the consent of their voice instructor. Violation of this policy is considered grounds for removal from the Division of Vocal Studies.

Any falsification of official documents, including Repertoire Sheets, is considered a violation of this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, listing repertoire as memorized that is not and listing previously studied repertoire as new. It is also considered a violation to give another student’s name to a student assistant taking attendance at a voice event.

Membership in a voice studio is a privilege, not a right. It is expected that students will behave in a professional manner at all times. Individual teachers have the right to grant or deny membership in their own studios.

Students with Disabilities

All sections of Voice comply with the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For complete information see:



Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT)

Voice students are STRONGLY encouraged to participate in the “SPOT” survey for all their courses, including voice.

Students will receive an email on the first day the survey opens from "UNT SPOT Course Evaluations via IASystem Notification" (no-reply@iasystem.org) with the survey link. Please look for the email in your UNT email inbox.  Simply click on the link and complete your survey. Students receive a separate email for each course.

See http://spot.unt.edu/content/student-resources for more information