
A college is composed of many people and we feel that the College of Information is composed of many great people!    We are proud of the many achievements and awards that members of the college recieve.  From University awards like the Dean's List and Honors Day to external rewards like Outstanding Reviewer, there are many people we would like to congratulate.  Please tell us about a deserving student, faculty, or staff at


Here are some rankings that we are proud of for our programs:

  • U.S. News & World Report ranked our Medical librarianship graduate program as 1st in Texas and 7th in the nation.
  • U.S. News & World Report ranked our School library media graduate program as 1st in Texas and 10th in the nation.
  • U.S. News & World Report ranked our Library and information studies graduate program as 20th in the nation.
  • ranked our Online master’s program in library and information studies as 12th in the nation.
  • ranked our Online master’s program in learning technologies as 20th in the nation.
  • ranked our Online master’s program in library and information studies as 7th in the nation. 
  • ranked our Online master’s program in library and information studies as 9th in the nation.