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Theory Faculty Accomplishments

Ellen Bakulina

Conference Paper: "Canons as hypermetrical transitions in Mozart" 

              TSMT, Belton, TX, February 2016

              MTSMA, Philadelphia, PA, April 2016

Conference Paper: "Hypermetrical shifts and middleground harmonic levels in Mozart's chamber music"

              MusCan, Calgary, AL, June 2016

Conference Paper: "Non-monotonality and Proto-Harmony in Rachmaninoff"

              SMT, Vancouver, BC, November 2016


Diego Cubero

Article: “Fading Within: Structural Inner Voices in Brahms’s Piano Works”

              Music Theory Online

Chapter: “Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Music and Its Influence in Early 20th-C Music Theory.

              The Palgrave Schopenhauer Handbook, edited by Sandra Shapshay. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming)

Conference Paper: “Blurring into the Distance: Harmonic Overlaps in Schumann and Brahms”

              New England Conference of Music Theorists, 2015

              South Central Society for Music Theory, 2015

Conference Paper: “The viio7 as Subdominant” (coauthored with Daniel Arthurs)

              Texas Society for Music Theory, 2015

Conference Paper: “Sounding Within: Structural Inner Voices in Brahms’s Piano Works”

              Society for Music Theory, 2015

              Texas Society for Music Theory, 2014

Conference Paper: “Voice-Leading Bifurcations and the Trope of Separation in Selected Songs by Brahms”

              Eighteenth Biennial International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, 2014

Conference Paper: “In the Process of Dissolving: Examining the Interaction between Syntactic and Statistical Form in Brahms”

              Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Estonia, 2014 


Frank Heidlberger

Conference Paper: “'What is the History of Music Theory?' – Dahlhaus’s Essay and its Relevance for the Current Understanding of the Discipline"

              American Musicological Society/Society of Music Theory in Vancouver, 2016

Critical Edition: Carl Maria von Weber’s Concertos for Clarinet and Orchester 

              Eulenburg, London

Conference Paper: "From Manuscript to Performance, or the Nightmares of an Editor: Carl Maria von Weber's Concertos for Clarinet in a New Critical Edition"

              ClarinetFest 2016, University of Kansas, Lawrence, August 4, 2016 

Paper Publication: "Ernst Krenek’s electronic oratorio “Spiritus intelligentiae” (1955/56) and the Discourse of Serialism after the Second World War"

              Proceedings of the Conference “Music between War and Peace,” Moscow, April 22-25, 2015, ed. by Konstantin Zenkin,                   Moscow 2016, p. 545-560.


Samantha Inman

Conference paper: “TMB Strategies in Haydn’s Sonata Movements”

             Texas Society for Music Theory, 2016

Conference paper: “Of Beginnings and Endings: P as Agent of Closure in Haydn’s Sonatas”

             Society for Music Theory and Texas SMT, 2015

Conference Paper: “Haydn’s Op. 50 Quartets and the Search for “A Really New Minuet.’” Texas Society for Music Theory, Houston, TX (February 24-25, 2017); Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic, Washington, D.C (March 24-25, 2017).


“The Inner and Outer Form of Haydn’s Monothematic Sonatas.” Theory and Practice (forthcoming).

 “Trimodular Block Strategies in Haydn’s Sonata Movements.” Haydn: The Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America (forthcoming).


Justin Lavacek

Article: “Mozart’s Harmonic Planning in the Secco Recitatives”

              Theoria 22 (2016)

Article: “Contrapuntal Ingenuity in the Motets of Machaut”

               Integral (forthcoming)

“Mozart’s Harmonic Design in the Secco Recitatives.”  Theoria 22 (2015): 63-97.

Emerson Award Winner (Mozart Society of America): Best Article of 2014-15

“Contrapuntal Ingenuity in the Motets of Machaut.”  Integral 28/29 (2014-15):125-180.

Review of The Monstrous New Art: Divided Forms in the Late Medieval Motet by Anna Zayaruznaya (OUP, 2015).  Music Theory Online 22/2 (June 2016).

Book Review: Anna Zayaruznaya’s The Monstrous New Art: Divided Forms in the Late Medieval Motet

               Music Theory Online (forthcoming) 

Conference paper: “Schenker’s Double Mixture and the Curious Case of bIV”

               Music Theory Midwest and Rocky Mountain Society for Music Theory, 2016

Conference Presentations: “bIV in Theory and Chopin” Texas Society for Music Theory, February 2017

“Schenker’s Double Mixture and the Curious Case of bIV” Music Theory Midwest, 6 May 2016 Rocky Mountain Society for Music Theory, 22 April 2016


David Bard-Schwarz

Single-authored Books: 

Introduction to Electronic Art through the Teachings of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing (Routledge 2014); 

Listening Awry: Music and Alterity in German Culture. (The University of Minnesota Press 2006). Review in Music Theory Spectrum Volume 32, no. 2, 2010

Listening Subjects: Music, Psychoanalysis, Culture. (Durham and London: Duke University Press 1997). Review in New Ideas in Psychology Volume 19, no. 1, 2001. Review in Women and Performance #18: 9/2, 1997.

Book Editions

David Lewin’s Morgengruß—Text, Context, Commentary (OUP 2014); 

Keeping Score: Music, Disciplinarity, Culture. David Schwarz, Anahid Kassabian, Lawrence Siegel. Eds. (Charlottesville and London: The University Press of Virginia, 1997).


Stephen Slottow


"To Be or Not to Be: Sequences in Schenkerian Analysis" Gamut (online journal of the Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic). Forthcoming, 2017.

"An Interview with Edward Laufer," in Explorations in Schenkerian Analysis: Essays in Honor of Edward Laufer, ed. David Beach and Suyin Mak. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2016: 328-48.

"The Sequences in Mozart's Piano Sonata, K. 280/I: Types, Functions, and Dispositions." Res Musica 7 (2015), 128-42.

Von einem Künstler: Shapes in the Clouds." Res Musica/3 (2011): 123-33

Conference Papers

"François Couperin's La Flore (Fifth Ordre): Structure, Motivic Replication, and Analytic Methodology." 9th European Music Analysis Conference, June 28-July 1, 2017

"The Sequences in Mozart's Piano Sonata, K. 280/I: Types, Functions, and Dispositions," Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tallinn, January 9, 2014. Also read at Laudate Eum: Recital and Symposium in Honor of Professor Graham Phipps, University of North Texas, March 29, 2014

"To Be or Not to Be: Sequences in Schenkerian Analysis," Fifth International Schenker Symposium, Mannes College, The New School for Music, March 16, 2013

"American Transformations of Zen Buddhist Chanting," lecture, College of Music, University of North Texas, October 24, 2012.

"The American Migration and Transformation of Zen Buddhist Chanting," invited lecture, Butler School of Music, University of Texas (Austin), October 1, 2012.

"Theories and Fantasies: Shapes in the Clouds," Texas Society of Music Theory, 33rd Annual Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, February 18, 2011.

“Von einem Künstler: Shapes in the Clouds, " Sixth International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tallinn, October 14-16, 2010.


Thomas Sovik


Popular Music in our American Culture: Rethinking History through the Ears of Music, volume 1.  New York:  McGraw-Hill (2014).


"An American Theorist Reflects on a Quest of Quibbles (or) Don't Follow Us; You Don’t Want to Go There."  The Czech and Slovak Journal of the Humanities (2/2015).
"The Czech Baroque: Neither Flesh nor Fish nor Good Red Herring." Published in HARMONIA: Leoš Janáček: Life, Work, and Contribution (May 2013).

PRESENTATIONS, as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Palacký University
(November 2016)

"The Alistair Begg Approach to Music Analysis: 'What's Going On in What's Going On?'

"The Conflict between French Reformed Theologian John Calvin, Successor of Martin Luther, and Dutch Reformed Theologian Jacobus Arminius and Its Impact upon Music in the Worship Service."

"The Direction of Music in the 21st Century."  

"From America's First Art Form to the Broadway Musical."

"From the Earliest Polyphony to the Renaissance Motet . . . by Way of Accidental Theory."

"The Music, Meaning, and Purpose of Advent in the Christian Calendar."

"Music Theorists of the Czech Renaissance:  Václav Philomathes, Jan Blahoslav, and Jan Josquin."

"Popular Music as a Record of History and as a Vehicle for Prejudice and Manipulation."