Sponsored Projects

Policy number: 
Policy description: 

UNT encourages faculty and staff members to seek external support for sponsored projects related to teaching, research and public services. UNT recognizes the principle that such activities increase the excellence of instruction and are vital to the University’s academic mission. Teaching, research and public service activities are considered to be an essential part of the academic responsibilities of faculty members. Sponsored projects provide a resource which can make these activities possible, and this resource should be fully utilized. Faculty members are encouraged to integrate these activities with instruction and to engage in scholarly research activities that lend themselves to the involvement of students.

See full policy (PDF): 
PDF icon Sponsored Projects
Policy owner: VP for Research and Innovation
Policy contact: 
Jamie Peno
Director, Office of Research Integrity and Compliance
Office of Research and Innovation
Applies to: 
Faculty, Staff
Date Issued: 
Friday, November 19, 2010

Last updated: 

New Policy
This sets forth procedures and responsibilities for faculty and staff members engaged in sponsored project activities. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.