UNT | University of North Texas

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Music Theory


The graduate program in Music Theory at the University of North Texas seeks to provide advanced instruction in the diverse subdisciplines currently found in the profession and thus to prepare students for a career as college or university theory teachers. The curriculum includes studies in analytical techniques covering the entire history of Western musical practice (specialized methodologies as Schenkerian studies and set theory approaches as well as historically established methodologies); applied studies in contrapuntal composition; history of music theory with direct study of treatises; music theory pedagogy with on-site involvement in class instruction. Emphasis is placed upon the acquisition and development of fluency in basic music skills (sight-singing, ear-training, realization of part music at the keyboard). During their period of study, students are mentored and encouraged to present scholarly papers at local, national and international conferences and to submit essays to scholarly journals in the field of Music Theory. The culmination of graduate study in Music Theory at UNT is a dissertation, in which the student develops an original line of thinking in the context of a contribution to the field of Music Theory.