photos by Elle Logan

Collaborative pianists make the world a better place, one phrase at a time, through generous attention to partner and awareness of self, all in service of the music and of expressing our shared humanity. UNT’s Collaborative Piano Program, offering the MM and DMA in Collaborative Piano, as well as opportunities for Piano Performances majors interested in studying the collaborative arts, supports these goals through individualized programs of study reflecting each pianist’s career aspirations, musical interests and previous experience. In addition to private lessons and collaborative piano classes, pianists explore the activities of the profession through experiential learning in opera, large choral and instrumental ensembles, entrepreneurship activities, diction and repertory class settings, among others, as appropriate for each. Our mission is to encourage each pianist’s native gifts while encouraging continual exploration, growth and development as artists, professionals and human beings. Please explore our website for more information about our program, our students, and our guest artists, and please join us each October for CollabFest, celebrating all things collaborative piano.

Collaboratively yours,

Elvia Puccinelli, Coordinator of Collaborative Piano