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Grantseeking Resources: Statistics

guide to grant seeking resources available via the UNT Libraries and beyond

Mapping Philanthropy and Issues

Foundation Maps is available at UNT only inside the Eagle Commons Library.  This interactive mapping tool combines the Foundation Center's data on grantmakers with Google maps to allow users to create maps that show patterns of giving and funding relationships.  Grant data can be combined with over 150 demographic, socio-economic, and other data sets.  Users can-

  • plot the locations of grantmakers and grant recipients on U.S. and world maps
  • discover critical connections by cross-linking between funders, recipients, and grants
  • uncover critical gaps in funding by country, state, county, city, metro area, congressional district, ZIP code, and school district

Statistics about Grants and Foundations

Foundation Stats is freely available online at and provides the most comprehensive information available on the size, scope, and giving priorities of the U.S. foundation community. It enables you to create custom data tables and charts on this important sector of philanthropy and download these to your reports and presentations.

Statistics/Demographics Resources

Sources for statistics and demographics that can be used to build your case in a grant proposal.  They can also help in assessing the impact of your organization's work.  All may be accessed remotely by members of the UNT community and within the Eagle Commons Library by everyone else.

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