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Recent Faculty Publications

Notley, Margaret.  Lateness and Brahms: Music and Culture in the Twilight of Viennese Liberalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016).

Illari, Bernardo. “De México a la Asunción: Preámbulos musicales y misionales a las prácticas jesuítico-guaraníes” (From Mexico to Asuncion: Musical and Missional Preambles to the Jesuit-Guarani Practices). Cuadernos de música iberoamericana 25-26 (2013) [publ. 2014]: 189-202.

Illari, Bernardo. “Trascendencia de Juan Hidalgo” (Transcendence of Juan Hidalgo). Scherzo 295 (April 2014): 85-87.

Illari, Bernardo. “¿Son modos? Tonos y salmodia en Andrés Lorente” (Are They Modes? Tones and Psalmody in Andrés Lorente). Analizar, interpretar, hacer música: De las Cantigas de Santa María a la organología, edited by Melanie Plesch, 289-326. Buenos Aires: Gourmet Musical, 2014 (February).

Notley, Margaret. “Fortwirkungen der Kammermusik Beethovens” (Continuing Effects of Beethoven’s Chamber Music). Die Kammermusik, edited by Martina Sichardt and Friedrich Geiger, Beethoven-Handbuch, Vol. 3, edited by Albrecht Riethmüller, 499–514. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2014 (January).

Brand, Benjamin. “Secundum Consuetudinem Romanae Curiae: Private Patronage and the Papal Liturgy in Late Medieval Tuscany.” Beyond 50 Years of Ars Nova Studies at Certaldo: 1959-2009. Atti, Convegno internazionale di studi, Certaldo 2-4 giugno 2009, edited by Marco Gozzi, Agostino Ziino, and Francesco Zimei. Certaldo: Edizioni Polis, 2014.

Brand, Benjamin. "Holy Treasure and Sacred Song: Relic Cults and their Liturgies in Medieval Tuscany." Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Illari, Bernardo. “A Story with(out) Gauchos: Folk Music in the Building of the Argentine Nation.” The Cambridge History of World Music, edited by Phil Bohlman, 271-294. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013 (December).

Cavalli, Francesco. Artemisia. Edited by Hendrik Schulze. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2013.

Monteverdi, Claudio. Vespro della Beata Vergine. Edited by Hendrik Schulze (general editor), in collaboration with UNT students Clare Carrasco, Kimary Fick, Emily Hagen, Devin Iler, Sean Morrison, J. Cole Ritchie, Jonathan Sauceda, Brendon Stewart, AnnaGrace Strange, and Charles Wu. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2013.

Schulze, Hendrik. “Editing the Performance Score: Toward a New Understanding of Seventeenth-Century Work Concepts.” Readying Cavalli’s Operas for the Stage: Manuscript – Edition – Production, edited by Ellen Rosand, 119-133. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.

Illari, Bernardo. “El fondo musical de San Felipe Neri de Sucre: viejas y nuevas apostillas sobre su proveniencia” (The Musical Collection of San Felipe Neri of Sucre: Old and New Remarks about its Provenance). Oratorio de San Felipe Neri. La última congregación religiosa en Charcas, edited by Norberto Benjamín Torres, 89-118. Sucre (Bolivia): Ciencia editores, 2013 (August).

Schulze, Hendrik. “Ritualmacher und Kapellmeister, oder: Die Macht der Metapher.”Ritualmacher hinter den Kulissen. Zur Rolle von Experten in historischer Ritualpraxis, edited by Jörg Gengnagel and Gerald Schwedler, 143-149. Münster: Lit-Verlag, 2013.

Mondelli, Peter. “The Sociability of History in French Grand Opera: A Historical Materialist Perspective.” 19th Century Music, vol. 37, no. 1 (Summer 2013): 37-55 (May).

Notley, Margaret. “Ancient Tragedy and Anachronism: Form as Expression in Brahms’s Gesang der Parzen.” Expressive Intersections in Brahms: Essays in Analysis and Meaning, edited by Heather Platt and Peter H. Smith, 111–143. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012 (June).