Lab Software Tutoring and Workshops

Click here to view workshop dates or sign up for an individual session!


The Music Student Computer Lab is offering individual instruction and group workshops on all our audio software as well as primary notation applications Finale and Sibelius. These workshops are open to all students by individual appointment or when large workshops are being held.

The tutorial/workshop will be broken up into parts depending on the participants interest in specific applications or upon the request of an instructor.   While our initial intent is to assist students new to this software and show them the basics, we also encourage people to attend who have more advanced questions or have questions pertaining to other software or technology within the lab. For thoe students who are interested in recording engineering lessons please follow up on our Recording Studio page.

It is our hope that by providing this opportunity students will be better prepared as they persue academic studies that require the use of audio software or other music technology.

If you have any questions please email us at