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GAMuT Executive Committee 

Bryan Stevens, President; Joseph Turner, Vice-President; Emily Smith, Secretary; Jessica Stearns, Treasurer 

Works Committee 

Brian Anderson, Program Coordinator; TBA, Journal Editor; Doug Donley, Webmaster/Historian 

Representative Board 

Yuxin Mei, Ethnomusicology Rep.; Joyce Asber, Musicology Rep.; Patrick Sallings, Theory Rep. 

Incoming Student Representative 


GAMuT Officers 2017-18

President | Bryan Stevens
Email: BryanSStevens@gmail.com

Vice-President | Joseph Turner
Email: josephturner2@my.unt.edu

Secretary | Emily Smith
Email: emilysmith12@my.unt.edu

Treasurer | Jessica Stearns
Email: jessicastearns@my.unt.edu

Program Coordinator | Brian Anderson
Email: briananderson4@my.unt.edu

Journal Editor of Harmonia | TBA

Webmaster | Doug Donley
Email: douglasdonley@my.unt.edu

Historian | Doug Donley
Email: douglasdonley@my.unt.edu

Musicology Representative | Joyce Asber
Email: joyceasber@my.unt.edu

Theory Representative | Patrick Sallings
Email: patricksallings@my.unt.edu

Ethnomusicology Representative | Yuxin Mei
Email: yuxinmei@my.unt.edu

Incoming Student Representative | TBA
Email: TBA

GAMuT Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hendrik Schulze

GAMuT Officers 2016-17

President | Jay Smith
Email: jaysonsmith@my.unt.edu

Vice-President | Robert Anderson
Email: robertanderson3@my.unt.edu

Secretary | Holly Cassell
Email: hkcassell@gmail.com

Treasurer | Bryan Stevens
Email: BryanSStevens@gmail.com

Program Coordinator | Jessica Stearns
Email: jessicastearns@my.unt.edu

Journal Editor of Harmonia | Amy Cooper
Email: amycooper2@my.unt.edu

Webmaster | Doug Donley
Email: douglasdonley@my.unt.edu

Historian | Andrew Vagts
Email: andrewvagts@my.unt.edu

Musicology Representative | TBA
Email: TBA

Theory Representative | Joseph Turner
Email: josephturner2@my.unt.edu

Ethnomusicology Representative | Emily Smith
Email: emilysmith12@my.unt.edu

Incoming Student Representative | TBA
Email: TBA

GAMuT Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hendrik Schulze

GAMuT Officers 2014-15

Emily Hagen | President

Jessica Stearns | Vice-President

Kája Lill | Secretary

Jay Smith | Treasurer

Robert Anderson | Program Coordinator

Andrew Vagts | Journal Editor

José Barnett | Webmaster

Stephanie Kisling | Historian

Kate Jewett-Williams | Ethnomusicology Representative

Amber Broderick | Musicology Representative

Tristan Lex | Theory Representative

Holly Cassell | Incoming Student Representative

GAMuT Officers 2013-14

Ben Dobbs | President

Emily Hagen | Vice-President

Joseph Turner | Secretary

Jessica Stearns | Treasurer

Abigail Chaplin-Kyzer | Program Coordinator

Robert Anderson | Journal Editor of Harmonia

Cole Ritchie | Webmaster

Ann-Marie Quinones | Historian

Andrea Recek | Musicology Representative

Lance Russell | Theory Representative

Kate Jewett-Williams | Ethnomusicology Representative

Andrew Vagts | Incoming Student Representative

GAMuT Officers 2012-13

Andrea Recek | President

Ben Graf | Vice-President

Emily Hagen | Secretary

Jeff Ensign | Treasurer

Ben Dobbs | Program Coordinator

Amy Cooper | Journal Editor of Harmonia

Cole Ritchie | Webmaster

Megan Varvir Coe | Historian

Abigail Chaplin | Musicology Representative

Joseph Turner | Theory Representative

Kate Jewett-Williams | Ethnomusicology Representative

Jessica Stearns | Incoming Student Representative

GAMuT Officers 2011-12

Megan Varvir Coe | President

Ben Dobbs | Vice-President

Cara Stroud | Secretary

Devin Iler | Treasurer

Cole Ritchie | Program Coordinator

Kristin Wolski | Journal Editor of Harmonia

Jeff Ensign | Webmaster

AnnaGrace Strange | Musicology Representative

Ben Graf | Theory Representative

Arathi Govind | Ethnomusicology Representative

GAMuT Officers 2010-11

Jeff Ensign | President

Cole Ritchie | Vice-President

Clare Carrasco | Secretary

Amy Cooper | Treasurer

Jon Sauceda | Program Coordinator

Andrea Recek | Journal Editor of Harmonia

David Huff | Webmaster

Kristin Wolski | Musicology Representative

Devin Iler | Theory Representative

Alison Konicek | Ethnomusicology Representative

GAMuT Officers 2009-10

Dell Smith | President

Sarah McConnell | Vice-President

Megan Varvir Coe | Secretary

Cole Ritchie | Treasurer

Jeff Ensign | Program Coordinator

Clare Carrasco | Journal Editor of Harmonia

Jon Sauceda | Webmaster

Amy Cooper | Musicology Representative

Jeff Ensign | Theory Representative

Carl Vermilyea | Ethnomusicology Representative

GAMuT Officers 2008-09

Jennifer Carpenter | President

Colin Davis | Vice-President

Ben Dobbs | Secretary

Dell Smith | Treasurer

Alex Amato | Program Coordinator

Nelson Calero | Journal Editor

Chia-Ying (Charles) Wu | Webmaster

Mark Breckenridge | Musicology Representative

Sarah McConnell | Theory Representative

Carl Vermilyea | Ethnomusicology Representative

Alex Amato | Graduate Representative to the Dean

Olivia Justice | Undergraduate Representative to the Dean

GAMuT Officers 2007-08

Randy Kinnett | President

Mark Breckenridge | Vice-President

Kelly Hand | Secretary/Treasurer

Jennifer Carpenter | Program Coordinator

Jackson Ross Best | Journal Editor

Reiner Kraemer | Webmaster

Colin Davis | Theory Representative

Ben Haas | Musicology Representative

Emily Bly | Graduate Representative to the Dean