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Course offering pattern

I. Courses offered every Fall and Spring semester

A. Applied lessons, ensembles, laboratories, graduate recital (undergraduate recitals also happen every fall and spring semester, but they are not a class you register for)

B. MUJS courses
MUJS 1360 Jazz Fundamentals
MUJS 1361 Jazz Aural Fundamentals
MUJS 1370 Jazz Fundamentals
MUJS 1371 Jazz Keyboard Fundamentals
MUJS 1470 Introduction to Jazz Recordings
MUJS 2360 Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 2370 Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 3120 Vocal Jazz Techniques
MUJS 3360 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 3370 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 4470 History of Jazz
MUJS 5360 Graduate Review of Jazz Fundamentals
MUJS 5361 Graduate Review of Jazz Aural Skills
MUJS 5362 Graduate Review of Jazz Theory
MUJS 5363 Graduate Review of Jazz Keyboard Skills
MUJS 5370 Graduate Review of Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 5430 Graduate Review of Jazz History (meets with MUJS 4470)
MUJS 5760 Jazz Arranging

II. Courses offered in Fall semester only
MUJS 1131 Jazz Performance Fundamentals
MUJS 3610 Jazz Arranging
MUJS 3920 Songwriting
MUJS 4610 Advanced Jazz Arranging
MUJS 5610 Graduate Review of Jazz Arranging I
MUJS 5630 Graduate Review of Jazz Arranging III
MUJS 5470 Conducting College Jazz Ensembles (also Summer I)
MUJS 5490 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
MUJS 5780 Jazz Styles & Analysis
MUJS 6010 Seminar in Jazz History and Analysis (even years)
MUJS 6020 Seminar in Jazz Pedagogy (odd years)

III. Courses offered in Spring semester only
MUJS 1132 Jazz Performance Fundamentals
MUJS 3470 Jazz Lecture Series
MUJS 3620 Jazz Arranging
MUJS 3900 Vocal Pedagogy for Non-Classical Styles
MUJS 4620 Advanced Jazz Arranging
MUJS 5620 Graduate Review of Jazz Arranging II
MUJS 5640 Graduate Review of Jazz Arranging IV
MUJS 5440 Introduction to Research in Jazz Studies
MUJS 5480 Pedagogy of Jazz
MUJS 5540 Composition for the Media

IV. Courses offered in summer semesters
Jazz Lab Band
5-week I only:
Jazz Lab Band
Jazz Chamber Music
MUJS 5470, Conducting College Jazz Ensembles (requires participation in Summer Lab Band)
Other jazz courses may be offered during the summer depending on faculty availability.

V. Courses offered as needed when there is sufficient enrollment
MUJS 4120 Vocal Jazz Styles
MUJS 4630 Vocal Jazz Arranging

VI. Courses no longer offered
MUJS 5450 Jazz Historiography