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UNT Jazz Combo Workshop

The 2018 UNT Jazz Combo workshop will be held on July 8-13, 2018.

Registration will open in January 2018.

NEW Photos from the 2016 workshop

Photos from the 2014 workshop

For information regarding housing, meals, or payments, contact us at jazzworkshop@unt.edu.

The Jazz Combo Workshop is open to musicians of all levels (minimum age - 14) and provides comprehensive studies in jazz combo playing and improvisation.

The curriculum includes: combo, faculty concerts (each evening), jazz history and listening, jazz theory (basic to advanced) master class instruction on bass, drums, guitar, piano, saxophone, trombone and trumpet, student concerts and student jam sessions.

The workshop begins with registration from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, followed by a brief opening meeting and faculty concert at 3 p.m. Auditions will take place Sunday afternoon. Beginning at 1 p.m. On Friday, all participants will perform in a public combo concert at the UNT Voertman Hall (parents are encouraged to attend). The performance will end no later than 5 p.m.

2017 UNT Jazz Combo Workshop Faculty
Josรฉ Aponte
Tony Baker
Rodney Booth
Quincy Davis
Mike Drake
Fred Hamilton
Steve Jones
Brad Leali
David Lown
Carl Lundgren
Richard McLure
Chris McGuire
Davy Mooney
Bob "Doc" Morgan
John Murphy
Sergio Pamies
Brian Piper
Jim Riggs
Lynn Seaton
Ed Soph
Mike Steinel
Marcus Wolfe

Typical Daily Schedule
9:00 - Theory/Improvisation
10:00 - Listening/Jazz History
11:00 - Combo
Noon - Lunch
1:30 - Instrumental Masterclass
3:00 - Combo
4:30 - Individual Free Time
5:00 - Supper
7:00 - Faculty Concert
8:30 to 9:50 - Student Jam Session