Discovery Series Fall 2017Discovery Series: Helen Aristar-Dry and Gary Simons

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The Discovery Series is composed of expositions from prestigious members of their field as well as new voices with innovative ideas. The world of Information is exponentially expanding every moment and can be overwhelming to try and keep up with. We hope that we can build a thriving community for conversations about what is important to you as well as exciting advancements in the field.  We welcome suggestions or submission!  Please contact the Dean’s Office at with suggestions for topics and or speakers.

The expositions will be streamed live and open to the public for participation in person as well as in the stream. They will be recorded and made available afterward through this website and our youtube channel.  We look forward to your participation! If you are joining us online, please log into your Google Account in order to participate in the YouTube chat. If you do not have a Google account, you can create one without signing up for Gmail by following this link:

Map to Agora

2017-2018 Season
Discovery Series 11: Helen Aristar-Dry & Gary Simons [Exposition: Metadata & Interoperable Digital Language Databases]
Discovery Series 10: Walt Wolfram [Documentary and Exposition: “Talking Black in America”]
Discovery Series  9: Mohamed Jemni [Exposition: Assistive Technologies]
Discovery Series  8: Nian-Shing Chen [Exposition: Gesture-based & Game-based Learning]

2016-2017 Season
Discovery Series 7: Brian O'Connor [Exposition: Know Thy Selfie: Provocations on Digital Photography & Public Knowledge]
Discovery Series 6: Michelle Yang [Workshop: The Art of Visual Notetaking] 
Discovery Series 5: Júlia Marques Carvalho da Silva [Exposition: Smart Teaching Assistants: Helping Teachers to Help Students] 
Discovery Series 4: Berner Lindström [Round Table Discussion: Digitalization of Education in Scandinavia] 
Discovery Series 3: Robin James Mayes [Exposition: Preventing Plagiarism] 
Discovery Series 2: Miguel Nussbaum [Exposition: How far are we from teaching creatively?] 
Discovery Series 1: Rory McGreal, UNSECO Chair in Open Educational Resources [Exposition: Open Education Resources and the Future of Education]