Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum

The Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum (OCCC) consists of 11 faculty members who develop and implement specific procedures for the evaluation of courses for inclusion in UNT's Core Curriculum.   

The OCCC will:

Support faculty in the development of individual course level assessment of mandated core objectives.  

Provide consulation services upon request or identification to faculty who wish to use their course level data for continuous improvement. 

Develop and implements processes and procedures for follow-up and continuous curricular improvements based upon outcome attainment results collected as a part ofthe communal process.

Work collaboratively with IR&E and other relevant units to determine appropriate criteria for the identification of courses that would benefit from continuous improvement support; and

Establish appropriate sampling methodology in order to ensure that UNT remains in compliance for assessment requirements in regards to the core curriculum.

For more information regarding membership, terms, committee charges, administration, and course and program assessment visit the Faculty Senate page designated to the OCCC.