Software Downloads

Here are some MAX/MSP patches that I have developed for my own use that may be of interest to others. They are not terribly well-documented but are hopefully intuitive enough that you can figure them out should you be interested in these sound design tools. All of these patches are saved as text files and will require that you have MAX/MSP to work with them.

  • GMrt75 and GMsndgen—GMrt75 is a real-time version of my old GrainMaker software for granular synthesis. This version allows for 75 overlapping grains to be sounding simultaneously (if your cpu is fast enough for the required calculations---you will need to adjust the maximum overlap allowed in the patch so it will be optimized for your particular cpu). GMsndgen is simple the audio guts for generating a single grain.

  • DrawDiff1.1—This patch allows one to load up sound objects (mono sound files) and record trajectories through a space with configurable loudspeaker placement. You can record up to 8 object trajectories and then mix them down to new audio files.

  • ChngRev—This patch is a takes Miller Puckette's reverb patch as a starting point and modifies it to create a physical modelling reverb, complete with changing space sizes, wiggling walls (to help minimize feedback issues), and filters to model the reflective character of a space.

  • SpectralPanner and SpecPanGuts—SpectralPanner is a simple FFT patch that allows one to either draw or randomly create complementary (or independen) bin amplitudes to create interesting and sometimes quite effective stereo images from mono sound files.

Let me know if you find these useful and/or have any questions about these patches---thanks, Jon