Our goal is to ensure that all study abroad participants graduate on time.

We often suggest students meet with study abroad advisors as early as their freshman and sophomore years. Many UNT core course requirements are offered abroad with our Eagles Abroad program. Our office will facilitate the posting of credits from your program to your official transcript. We are here to support you as you prepare to travel overseas, while you study abroad, and once you return home to UNT.

How to choose the right program for you.

Affiliate Programs - Facilitated by UNT approved organizations or program providers.

Affiliate programs are designed specifically for U.S. students. Programs are held at the university or the institute associated with the affiliate. The Study Abroad Office has approved all affiliate programs for academic rigor, safety, security, housing and meals. Program fees vary, but most affiliates charge a comprehensive fee including housing, food, and tuition. Consult your chosen affiliate's website for detailed information. Students are responsible for airfare and miscellaneous spending. Financial aid and study abroad scholarships may be applied toward affiliate programs. 

Exchange Programs - Our most affordable option. 

Exchange programs allow UNT students to spend a semester or full year at a partner university.  Exchange programs offer full cultural immersion in campus life and help tremendously with second language acquisition. Exchange students enroll in the partner university as matriculated students and are responsible for all required course work and exams. Students most often live in university housing. Financial aid and study abroad scholarships may be applied toward exchange programs. Students pay the equivalent UNT tuition and fees plus international airfare and daily living expenses. You are enrolled at UNT while participating in an exchange program. Grades earned abroad will be applied to your GPA as transfer credit. 

Faculty Led Programs - Travel abroad with UNT faculty and students.

Faculty Led programs are a great option for first-time travelers as they tend to be the most structured of our programs and include a wide variety of UNT classes. Faculty Led programs allow you to take one or two 3-credit UNT courses, pay through your student account with UNT financial aid and/or study abroad scholarships, and earn UNT credit. Numerous opportunities are available during the summer sessions and wintermester.

I was pleased to find a new perspective on my own country, through the eyes of other cultures. I was challenged to learn more about who I am, where I'm from and what that means to the the world for the very reason that I chose to spend little time with Americans and most of my time with foreign nationals. I found that to be a very rewarding experience. 

Li Galo, Exchange Program Participant