Senate Meetings:

Agendas and Minutes

2017-18 Faculty Senate Meetings:

September 13, 2017

October 11, 2017
November 8, 2017
December 13, 2017
February 14, 2018
March 21, 2018
April 11, 2018
May 9, 2018
June 13, 2018

University Union, 332
2:00pm - 4:00pm


Faculty Senate Procedures Manual

UNT Faculty Senate Procedures Manual

May 2017


Part A: Meetings and Voting Groups


Meetings: Procedures and Member, Chair, Senate Expectations

Voting Group I through Group VIII Departmental Listings



Section 1: Meetings


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate shall be held at 2 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month from September through June of each year, with the exception of January and Spring Break.


  1. a.     A special meeting of the Faculty Senate may be called by the chair or by petition to the chair of at least one-third of the membership of the Faculty Senate. Written notice must be given to the senators at least three class days in advance of any special meeting of the Faculty Senate. 


  1. b.     The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for the Faculty Senate. Agenda items will have a time attached to them and shall consist of the following:
  • Welcome and introductions
  • Approval of past meeting minutes
  • Faculty Senate discussion
  • Response and reports from university administrators
  • Committee reports
  • Old business (items that have previously appeared on the agenda on which final action has not been taken)
  • New business (new items to be considered)
  • Highlight of a faculty senator
  • Committee of the whole (announcements, etc.)


Items shall be taken up in the order listed by the Executive Committee unless the senate shall, by majority vote, change the order or the order needs to be changed due to delayed presence of required speakers, attendees or information.



  1. c.     Recognition of Non-Senator Attendees


A senator may recognize faculty members or other guests attending Faculty Senate meetings who wish to be heard upon matters and issues pertinent to the senate’s discussions and debates, at a time that is consistent with the senate’s published agenda. 


  1. d.     Senate Meetings


  1. Senate meetings will begin on time.
  2. Senate meetings will endeavor to end on time. Items requiring Senate voting will be discussed from 2-4 pm. Informational items may be presented after 4 pm if needed.
  3. Senators will have 3 minutes to present discussion points or comments on items. The Senate Chair or his/her designee reserves the right to stop a Senator from speaking after 3 minutes. 
  4. All questions will be answered in turn prior to returning to someone who has spoken previously on the same topic. 
  5. Agenda items will have a time attached to them. At the end of the time allotted, a Senator may make a motion to continue the discussion and Senate will vote on the motion. The motion must contain a time limit for the extension.
  6. Meeting materials will be sent out in advance of the meeting


  1. e.     Senator Responsibilities


  1. Senators are expected to attend all regular and called Senate meetings.
  2. Meetings start at 2:00 pm and Senators are expected to be in their seats by starting time.
  3. Meeting materials must be read prior to the meeting.
  4. Known absences need to be reported to the Senate office as soon as possible.
  5. Each senator’s attendance will be recorded via a sign in sheet.
  6. After 2 absences, Senators will be notified of their attendance. After 3 absences, the Senate Chair may invoke the option of removing the Senator from his/her seat.


  1. f.      Executive Committee Member Responsibilities


  1. Executive Committee (EC) meetings will begin on time (1PM). They will usually be held on the first and last Wednesdays of each month.
  2. Members are expected to arrive on time and stay for the duration of the meeting
  3. Known absences need to be reported to the Senate office/Vice-Chair as soon as possible.
  4. After 2 absences, Senators will be notified of their attendance. After 3 absences, the Senate Chair/Vice-Chair may invoke the option of removing the Senator from his/her seat on the Executive Committee.
  5. Materials will be sent out prior to the meeting and members are expected to read them prior to the meeting to allow for more effective use of the meeting time.
  6. EC members will have 3 minutes to present discussion points or comments on items. The Senate Chair or the Chair’s designee reserves the right to stop a Senator from speaking after 3 minutes.
  7. All questions will be answered in turn prior to returning to someone who has spoken previously on the same topic. 
  8. It is expected that EC members will pass pertinent information on to their constituents.
  9. External visitors, including committee reporting functions, are primarily scheduled on the “first Wednesday” meeting.


  1. g.     Faculty Senate Committee Member Responsibilities


  1. Committee Members must respond to messages from the Faculty Senate officers and the Committee Chair.
  2. Attendance at all meetings by Committee Members is expected so that members are able to effectively represent their faculty member constituency. If a member cannot attend, e-mail discussion is encouraged.
  3. Members are expected to participate actively in committee discussion whether face-to-face or virtual, and to work to complete the committee charges.
  4. After 2 missed meetings or discussions, committee members will be notified of their lack of attendance. After 3 absences the Committee Chair may invoke the option of removing the committee member from his/her committee membership.


  1. h.     Committee Chair Responsibilities (Revised October 2014)


  1. Committee Chairs are responsible for facilitating the work of the committee and achieving the charges given to the Committee.
  2. Committee Chairs are responsible for recording attendance and informing the Senate officers or Committee on Committees chair, as appropriate, in the event that a Committee Member is removed from committee membership or resigns. Chairs should inform the Committee on Committees of any membership changes in a timely manner so that the vacant positions can be filled and all faculty groups can have equal representation.
  3. The Senate Office is available to assist with setting up meetings and also make a room available for meetings if needed.
  4. The Senate Office is also available to resolve conflicts in a committee.
  5. If the committee is charged, the chair should call a meeting at least once per semester.
  6. Chairs should submit an interim report of activities in February and a final report at the end of the spring semester (or, in a timely manner) to the Executive Committee.


Section 2: Voting Groups


Voting groups of the Faculty Senate shall be appointed according to Article II of the Faculty Senate Charter (they need to be revised and reapportioned every three years). The voting groups of the Faculty Senate (2016-2019) shall be:


Group I 

  • CLASS-Department of World Lang, Lit, & Cultures
  • CLASS-Technical Communication
  • CLASS-Philosophy and Religion Studies
  • CLASS-Spanish
  • CLASS-Women’s and Gender Studies
  • CVAD-Art Education/Art History 
  • CVAD-Design
  • CVAD-Studio Art
  • JOUR-Mayborn School of Journalism General


Group II

  • CLASS-English
  • COI-Learning Technologies
  • COI-Library and Information Sciences
  • COI-Linguistics
  • UNT Libraries


Group III 

  • COS-Mathematics
  • COS-Physics
  • ENG-Computer Science and Engineering
  • ENG-Electrical Engineering
  • ENG-Engineering Technology
  • ENG-Materials Science and Engineering
  • ENG-Mechanical and Energy Engineering
  • ENG-Biomedical Engineering


Group IV 

  • CLASS-Economics
  • CLASS-Political Science
  • CLASS-Psychology
  • CLASS-International Studies
  • COS-Teach North Texas
  • Honors College
  • HPS-Behavior Analysis
  • HPS-Community and Professional Programs
  • HPS-Criminal Justice
  • HPS-Public Administration
  • HPS-Emergency Management & Disaster Science



Group V 

  • CMHT-Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • CMHT-Merchandising and Digital Retailing
  • CMHT-Merchandising & Hospitality Management
  • COB- Finance, Insurance, Real Estate & Law
  • COB-Accounting
  • COB-Information Technology & Decision Sciences
  • COB-Management
  • COB-Marketing & Logistics


Group VI 

  • CLASS-History
  • COE-Educational Psychology
  • COE-Counseling and Higher Education
  • COE-Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation
  • COE-Teacher Education and Administration


Group VII 

  • COS-Biological Sciences
  • COS-Chemistry
  • CLASS-Communication Studies
  • CLASS-Geography & the Environment
  • CLASS-Sociology
  • CLASS-Anthropology
  • HPS-Applied Gerontology
  • HPS-Disability and Addictions Rehabilitation
  • HPS-Audiology & Speech Language  


Group VIII 

  • CLASS-Dance and Theatre Arts
  • CLASS-Media Arts
  • MUSIC- Music History, Theory and Ethnomusicology
  • MUSIC-Composition Studies
  • MUSIC-Conducting & Ensembles
  • MUSIC-Instrumental Studies
  • MUSIC-Jazz Studies
  • MUSIC-Keyboard Studies
  • MUSIC-Music Education
  • MUSIC-Vocal Studies



Part B: Standing and Elected Committees

Functions, Composition, and Terms



The Faculty Senate Procedures Manual Part B: Standing and Elected Committees of the Senate supplements the charter and bylaws of the faculty senate. It lists current Standing Committees and Elected Committees of the UNT Faculty Senate and by functions, composition, and membership terms.


Charter and bylaws of the UNT Faculty Senate overrule Faculty Senate Procedures Manual, in the event of conflicts.


  1. Academic Affairs Committee 
  1. Functions.
    The Academic Affairs Committee shall study and make recommendations to the senate on university policy concerning admission standards of entering undergraduate students, admission standards of transfer undergraduate students, suspension, probation and dismissal of students for academic reasons, standards for graduation, the awarding of honors to graduates, and any other academic concerns that may be assigned by the senate. 


  1. Composition.
    The Academic Affairs Committee shall consist of 12 members: eight faculty members elected by the senate, one academic dean elected by the academic deans, and one student appointed by the Student Government Association, and the vice president for academic affairs or his/her designee, and an appointee from the registrar. Administrators will be ex officio non-voting. The chair of the committee shall be approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee after being elected by the members of the committee.


  1. Terms.
    The term for a faculty member of the committee shall be three years with an option of renewing for a second three year term. The term of the student member and the academic dean shall be one year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


2. Committee on Committees

a.   Functions.

The committee shall nominate members of other Faculty Senate committees and shall appoint members of administrative committees when requested by the university administration, subject to the approval of the senate. The Committee on Committees shall nominate representatives of the Faculty Senate to administrative councils of the university. Nominations to senate committees may also be suggested for consideration to the Committee on Committees by senators who are not themselves members of the Committee on Committees. In addition to nominees brought forward by the Committee on Committees, other nominations to senate committees and for appointment to administrative committees may be made from the floor of the senate during its meetings.


b.   Composition.

The Committee on Committees shall consist of one senator from each of the nine constituency groups of the senate, elected by fellow senators in that group, plus the chair, vice chair and the secretary of the senate. Each May following the election of new senate officers, the committee shall elect a chair from among its continuing members to serve a one-year term that begins immediately upon election.


c.   Terms.

The term of each elected member of the Committee on Committees shall be two years from their election to the committee in September and shall continue until the beginning of the September meeting two years later. The members’ terms should be staggered so that no more than half the members rotate off at a given time. Upon first (or subsequent) implementation of the staggering of committee members' terms, the allocation of one year and two year terms shall be conducted by lot.

3.  Committee on Evaluation of University Administrators 

  1. Functions.
    The Committee on Evaluation of University Administrators shall develop policies and procedures, including evaluative instruments, pertaining to the evaluation of university administrators for the improvement of administrative functioning. No administrator (including chairs) shall be involved in opening faculty responses to questionnaires for the evaluation of administrators. The surveys will be administered in the fall each year and completed by November 30th.


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 12 persons: eight tenured faculty members or librarians on five-year contracts elected by the senate (one from each Faculty Senate voting group) and four university administrators appointed by the Provost. Administrators are ex-officio non-voting members. The voting members of the committee shall elect a chair from among the voting members.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each member shall be three years. The terms of the faculty members shall be staggered so that no more than three expire in any given year. Terms are three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:




4. Committee on Faculty Participation in Governance 

  1. Functions.
    The Committee on Faculty Participation in Governance shall ensure that all academic units have a faculty-approved charter for the purpose of governance within the unit. Each academic unit shall file a copy of its charter with this committee for review. The committee shall be responsible for reporting to the Faculty Senate any cases where governance charters are not being followed and shall be responsible for carrying out charges made by the Faculty Senate regarding such cases. 


  1. Composition.
    The committee shall consist of 10 members: eight senators (one elected from each of the eight senate voting groups), a faculty member selected by the University Review Committee, and one faculty member selected by the University Tenure and Promotion Committee. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members. 


  1. Terms.
    Each senator's term on this committee shall coincide with his/her Faculty Senate term at the time of election. No faculty member shall serve more than three consecutive years on this committee.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



5.  Committee on the Status of Women (Proposed Revision December 2014)

  1. Functions.
    The Committee on the Status of Women shall study university, state and federal civil rights and equal-employment laws and regulations regarding the status of women in the university community. The Faculty Senate authorizes the committee to request information on all alleged abuses of said laws and regulations including requesting evidence from any person in the university who has been responsible for recruitment, promotion and establishment of salary of other faculty members or employees. The committee may also request information on any other alleged discriminatory policy affecting the status of women in the university community. The committee may give information and evidence to the University Review Committee on its own volition or when requested to do so and reports to the Faculty Senate. 


  1. Composition.
    The Committee on the Status of Women shall consist of eight faculty members representing a variety of academic disciplines nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by the Faculty Senate, and two at-large members. 


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.  The chair of the committee shall be elected from and by the members of the committee.


  1. Charges.  (Revised December 2014)

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



6. Committee on the Status of LGBT Faculty

  1. Functions. 
    The Committee on the Status of LGBT faculty shall study university, state and federal civil rights and equal-employment laws and regulations regarding the status of LGBT faculty in the university community. They will investigate how visibility of the LGBT communities on campus can be enhanced to provide a better picture of what it would be like for a prospective UNT citizen who belongs to an LGBT community to thrive and succeed at UNT.


  1. Composition.
    The committee shall consist of eleven members, one from each voting group, the chair of the committee who will be elected by a simple majority of the Committee for a 3 year term; 2-3 faculty at-large positions; 3 lecturers (ex officio non-voting) representing the 3 ranks of lecturers; 2-3 staff members (ex officio non-voting); 2 graduate students  involved in some form with faculty-like employment (e.g. teaching assistants, teaching fellows and research assistants); and a representative from the Vice President’s Office of Equity and Diversity.


  1. Terms. 
    Faculty from voting groups will have 3 year terms and the at-large positions will be for 1 year and are renewable at the discretion of the Committee.  Non-voting members will be approved by the Committee and will serve for a one year term.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:




7. Committee on the Status of People of Color 

  1. Functions.

Interact with relevant committees and obtain data necessary to perform functions of the committee. Meet with the Committee on the Status of Women to discuss resources the committee uses and identify common areas to work together on. Identify pertinent sources of information available at UNT and among our peers. Study university, state and federal civil rights and equal-employment laws and regulations regarding the status of people of color in the university community. Identify concerns and submit recommendations for further actions to the Faculty Senate   


  1. Composition. 
    The committee on the status of people of color shall consist of five faculty members representing a variety of academic disciplines nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by the Faculty Senate. 


  1. Terms.
    The regular term of a member of the committee shall be three years. The chair of the committee shall be elected from and by the members of the committee. 


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



8. Fine Arts Series Committee (Proposed Revision December 2014)

  1. Functions.
    The Fine Arts Series Committee shall be responsible for developing and sponsoring a program of cultural and performing arts, featuring nationally prominent artists, for presentation on the campus. 


  1. Composition.
    The Fine Arts Series Committee shall be composed as follows: Five faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate; five staff members appointed by the UNT Staff Council; two ex officio faculty or staff members appointed by the Vice President for Student Development; 6 student representatives appointed by President of the UNT Student Government Association, and 2 graduate students appointed by the Graduate Student Council. The term of service of committee members shall be three years, with the exception of student members whose terms shall be one year. The Vice President for Student Development shall designate one of the two ex officio members he/she names to the committee to serve as co-chairperson of the committee. The student co-chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the President of the Student Government Association.  


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered so that the terms of no more than three members expire in any given year. The term of each student member shall be one year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


9. Faculty Awards Committee 

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Awards Committee shall select from nominations outstanding faculty members as candidates for citations and awards in recognition of distinguished teaching, scholarly/creative activity or service. The committee also shall seek information on awards, post-doctoral fellowships, foreign study opportunities and similar off-campus activities that are designed to reward or improve scholarly effectiveness. The committee shall have the responsibility of keeping the faculty informed of such opportunities.


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 10 members: one faculty from each of the eight senate voting groups, and two at-large members, all elected by the Faculty Senate. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members. 


  1. Terms.
    Terms are three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:

10. Faculty Development Leave Committee

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Development Leave Committee shall review applications for development leave and make recommendations to the vice president for academic affairs concerning the granting of such leaves in accordance with the provisions and procedures in the Policy Manual of the University of North Texas.


  1. Composition.
    The Faculty Development Leave Committee shall be composed of eight members. Each of the eight Faculty Senate voting groups shall elect one tenured faculty member or librarian on five-year contract. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members. 


  1. Terms.
    The terms of each member of the committee will be three years. Terms should be staggered so that the terms of no more than three members expire in a single year. If a member of the Faculty Development Leave Committee resigns, goes on leave, or is otherwise unable to serve during any semester of his or her service on the committee, the chair of the Faculty Development Leave Committee will notify the Faculty Senate to direct the election of a replacement member to serve during the period that the regularly elected member is unable to serve.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



  1. 11.  Faculty Mentor Committee 
  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Mentor Committee shall serve as an advisory committee that meets once each semester for the purpose of promoting the mentoring concept among faculty members and making recommendations for the mentor program. The committee shall disseminate information about mentoring to encourage participation by faculty and staff. The committee shall also set guidelines and criteria for mentor service, forwarding appropriate information to the personnel affairs committee regarding such service. 


  1. Composition.
    The committee shall consist of eleven members: nine faculty members elected by the senate (one from each senate voting group and one at-large), the staff member from the Dean of Students Office responsible for the Mentoring Program (ex officio non-voting), and one student selected by the Student Association (ex officio non-voting). The committee shall elect a chair from among its voting members. 


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The term for the staff member shall be three years. The term of the student member shall be one year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



12. Faculty Policy Oversight Committee


a.   Functions 
The functions of the Faculty Policy Oversight Committee are to:

  • Review the information relevant to faculty contained in the Policy Manual of the University of North Texas.
  • Receive suggested changes to policy from the faculty and other appropriate sources.
  • Recommend revisions, deletions, and additions to UNT policies.
  • Provides policy recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for further action.


b.   Composition.
This committee shall consist of ten members. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall appoint eight faculty members (one from each Faculty Senate group). One additional faculty member shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to serve as the committee’s faculty chair. The Provost/VPAA shall appoint one ex-officio member who will serve as the administrative co-chair of the committee. The Provost/VPAA appointee is a voting member if they are a full-time faculty member with no “administrative service” workload, otherwise that appointee is nonvoting.


c.    Terms.
The terms for faculty members are three years in length and faculty members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The Provost/VPAA appointee shall serve at the pleasure of the provost.


  1. d.    Charges

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



13. Faculty Research Committee (Revised October 2014)

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Research Committee shall study policy governing faculty research and make recommendations to the senate; implement policy developed by the committee and approved by the senate in the allocation of state appropriated funds for faculty research; and in the coordination of the university's research effort, carry on diligent efforts to locate and secure non-appropriated funds to support faculty research and keep all of the faculty informed about funds available for research. 


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 13 members: eight tenured faculty members elected by the senate (one from each senate voting group), three At-Large Executive Committee representatives, the dean of the Toulouse Graduate School, and the Vice President for research who will serve as administrative co-chair of the committee. Administrators will serve as ex-officio non-voting members. The faculty chair of the committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee and has the authority to appoint ad hoc up to two additional non-voting members, subject to majority approval of the Faculty Research Committee and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, for the purpose of advising on issues and activities. No more than one faculty member may be elected from any sub-unit within a senate voting group.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


14.  Faculty Salary Study Committee.  (Reactivated December 2015)

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Salary Study Committee shall (1) study, on a continuing basis, the salary structure for all faculty employed by the university; (2) compare the faculty salary structure of the university with other comparable universities in the state and nation; (3) investigate and determine the criteria used by the university administration in awarding salary increases based on market adjustment and the correction of existing inequities; (4) recommend to the senate general criteria to be used in establishing salaries for all faculty; and (5) publish the findings of the committee. The published findings shall show for each rank in each of the various divisions, departments and schools of the university, the highest, the lowest, the median and the mean salary. The findings also shall show differences in salary between men and women on the faculty who have the same degree qualifications and experiences. 


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 11 faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate according to the following: one member from each of the eight senate voting groups and three members elected at large. Elections shall be such that no single subunit is represented by more than one member. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


15. Faculty Senate Charter and Bylaws Committee

  1. Functions.
    The Charter and Bylaws Committee shall review the charter and bylaws of the Faculty Senate, propose additions, modifications and deletions to the charter and bylaws are needed and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee concerning proposed changes in the charter and bylaws introduced by senators. The committee shall make changes in titles of offices and of academic units in the bylaws as they occur. All such changes shall be reported to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, which will approve their presentation to the full senate for a first reading. Faculty Senators will have a full month to review the changes and discuss with their constituents, and will make a vote during the next Faculty Senate meeting.


  1. Composition.
    The Charter and Bylaws Committee shall consist of three senators elected by the Faculty Senate. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each member shall end the day before the September meeting following the expiration of his/her senate term. Terms are three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



16. Faculty Senate Budget Committee(Reactivated December 2015)

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Senate Budget Committee is designed to keep the faculty abreast of university budget issues and assist university administrators in deciding budgetary allocations. Accordingly, this committee shall (1) acquire complete information from appropriate administrative units regarding historical, current, and proposed university budgets; (2) study university budget information to interpret historical and current trends of the budget and budget allocations; (3) provide input to the Faculty Senate on university budget matters; (4) work with the vice president for academic affairs to devise systematic procedures for allocating the academic budget to colleges, schools and other appropriate units, and monitor such allocations; and (5) provide information and advice to the Chancellor, President, Provost, and Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs regarding budgetary matters. 


  1. Composition.
    The committee shall consist of eight faculty members elected by the senate (one from each of the senate voting groups, with preference for at least three senators on the committee at all times). Two at-large members are also elected. The committee will elect a chair from among its members. 


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.  Terms shall be staggered so that the terms of no more than three members expire in any given year.


  1. d.    Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


17.  Graduate Council 

  1. a.     Committee Description: The Graduate Council formulates all policies and regulations affecting graduate programs, graduate faculty and graduate curricula at the University of North Texas. The Graduate Council monitors all graduate programs in the university to ensure that they are periodically reviewed and reevaluated. The Graduate Council reports in writing to the Faculty Senate all recommendations affecting graduate programs, graduate faculty, and graduate curricula, including but not limited to curricula modifications, program monitoring and evaluation, and program publicity.


  1. b.    Composition: The Graduate Council consists of voting and non-voting members. The voting member are: eight graduate status faculty members, one elected from each of the eight voting groups of the Faculty Senate and four graduate status faculty members appointed at-large by the Faculty Senate (with the assistance of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Committees.) Effort will be made so that the appointed at-large members represent disciplines not already represented by the elected members. These twelve faculty members are the only voting members on the Graduate Council. Voting members elect a faculty chair from amongst themselves for a one year term at the beginning of each academic year.


Non-voting members are: two graduate students  selected by the Graduate Student Council and the vice provost of the Toulouse Graduate School, (who serves as this Council’s co-chair ex officio), the associate dean of the Toulouse Graduate School, the registrar, and deans or their representatives from each of the colleges, schools and library.


  1. c.     Terms. Faculty members shall serve three-year terms with a second three-year term available. Student members shall serve one-year terms. Other members shall serve during the period they hold their respective offices. Annual terms are from September 1 to August 31.


  1. d.    Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:

18. Oversight Committee of the Core Curriculum
       (Proposed Revision November 2014)

  1. Functions.
    The Oversight Committee of the Core Curriculum shall be responsible for overseeing changes in the core curriculum according to procedures authorized by the Faculty Senate. The committee shall review and evaluate all changes to the core as recommended by the appropriate school or college. The committee shall be responsible for working with the Office of the Core Curriculum to develop a method of assessing the core curriculum.  The committee shall also review documentation on Core Course evaluations as defined by the Faculty Senate and provided by departments to ensure that they are consistent with the spirit of the Core Curriculum.  The committee will consult as needed with faculty on the development and submission of applications and assessment plans for new Core courses and/or changes to existing Core courses.


  1. Composition.

The committee shall consist of 11 voting members. A majority of the voting members will be tenured faculty. The committee must have one representative from each group, as well as 3 at-large members. A faculty co-chair shall be appointed from among the voting members of the committee by the Senate Executive Committee. The office of the Provost will designate an administrative co-chair of the committee who will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. The committee may include a non-voting graduate student member.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered so that the terms of no more than four members expire in any given year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:




19. Teaching Fellows/Teaching Assistants Committee

  1. Functions.
    The Teaching Fellows/Teaching Assistants Committee shall develop recommended procedures for the selection of outstanding teaching fellows and teaching assistants and shall recommend an appropriate number of awards. The committee shall also select the recipients of the awards.
  2. Composition.
    The Teaching Fellows/Teaching Assistants Committee shall be composed of eight members elected by the senate from each of the senate voting groups. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members. 


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Terms will be staggered such that no more than three vacancies are created in any one year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



20.  University Elections Committee 

  1. Functions.
    The University Elections Committee shall conduct and supervise the election of senators and any other election assigned to it by the senate.


  1. Composition.
    The University Elections Committee shall consist of eight faculty elected by the Faculty Senate. At the time of election, the Executive Committee shall designate the chair of the committee from among the committee members. 


  1. Terms.
    Terms of office for the University Elections Committee are three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Terms shall begin and end on the second Wednesday of the September academic year. 


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


21. University Library Committee 

  1. Functions.
    The University Library Committee shall function as an advisory body with respect to library policies, programs, resources and facilities; act as a liaison between the library staff and the academic community including university administration, faculty, students and other clienteles; and function in support and promotion of library needs and usage. 


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall be composed of 14 members: eight faculty members, one from each senate voting group elected by the Faculty Senate; a representative from the ranks of full-time lecturers; one undergraduate student selected by the Student Association; one graduate student appointed by the Graduate Student Council; one alumnus appointed by the vice president for development, the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies (ex officio); and the dean of libraries (ex officio). Administrators are non-voting members. The committee shall elect a chair from among the faculty voting members of the committee.


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Terms of faculty members will be staggered so that the terms of no more than three faculty members expire in any given year. Students shall serve one-year terms. Alumni shall serve two-year terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



22.   University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
(Proposed Revision December 2014, Membership Revision June 2015)

  1. a.     Functions.

Undergraduate Curriculum Review

The University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC) is the primary institutional faculty body that oversees and reviews curriculum from an institutional perspective.  The UUCC helps ensure that the University’s curriculum and the processes and procedures by which it is reviewed and approved are consistent and appropriate.  In its work, the Committee is concerned with the academic integrity of the institution and the quality of course and programmatic offerings.  The oversight and review roles recognize that the university’s academic programs are diverse and that this diversity will be reflected in their curriculum. 

The UUCC helps ensure that the University “places the primary responsibility for content, quality, and effectiveness of its curriculum with its faculty” as required by SACS-COC.


The UUCC will:

  • Develop and implement specific procedures for the evaluation of courses and programs from an institutional perspective for inclusion in UNT's curriculum. 
  • §  Make recommendations in a timely manner to the Faculty Senate’s Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate so that decisions regarding the curriculum follow appropriate processes and meet relevant deadlines.  This ensures predictability and consistency for academic programs planning for implementation.


The UUCC will:

  • Work with all appropriate Faculty Senate committees and other leadership bodies across campus on changes and improvements to UNT's curriculum.
  • Review and renew the committee charges in keeping with changes to reporting, compliance, or internal calls for improvement or other modifications.
  • Report to the Faculty Senate on decisions made and issues arising in the oversight and review of the curriculum.

b. Composition.

The University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC) is comprised of:

  • 18 faculty members approved by the Faculty Senate: two faculty members representing each Faculty Senate voting group plus two at-large faculty members
  • three students selected by the Student Government Association
  • the deans of those colleges and schools that offer an undergraduate curriculum or their designees
  • the dean of the library or his/her designee
  • a member of the Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum (OCCC)
  • the registrar
  • a designee of the Office of the Provost (also serving as co-chair)

All faculty members must have experience dealing with curricular issues at the department or college/school level within the previous three years of their election to the UUCC.

The following restrictions shall apply to the selection of committee members: (1) no more than one faculty member may be elected from any sub-unit within a Faculty Senate voting group; and (2) the three student members shall represent different areas of study.

Voting rules:

  • All 18 faculty members approved by the Faculty Senate are voting members.
  • Student members will be non-voting members.
  • The registrar and the OCCC representative will be a non-voting ex-officio member.
  • Deans and their designees that have full or part-time administrative appointments will be non-voting ex-officio.
  • Designees who are full time faculty members or librarians will be ex-officio voting.
  • The administrative co-chair will be non-voting.



There shall be a faculty Chair who shall be elected by the voting members of the UUCC at the September meeting of the committee. The Office of the Provost will designate an administrative co-chair who will facilitate the work of the committee by gathering and presenting documents for meetings and other preparatory functions and serve as the convener of the committee.


  1. Terms.
    The term of a faculty member of the committee shall be three years with a second three-year term available. The term of student members shall be one year.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


23. University Writing Committee. (Proposed Revision January 2015)

  1. Functions.
    The University Writing Committee shall manage and advocate for the University Writing Awards Competition.


  1. b.    Composition.

       The committee shall consist of:

  • One representative from each College and School (nominated by the Deans)
  • One representative from the University Writing Lab (nominated by the Director)
  • One representative from the Rhetoric and Composition Program of the English Department (nominated by the Director)
  • One at-large faculty member (nominated by the Faculty Senate) 
  • The Faculty Senate must approve all nominations. As required by the Faculty Senate Bylaws, one of the committee members shall be a Faculty Senator. The committee shall elect its own chair among its members. 


  1. Terms.

The terms of the faculty members of the committee shall be three years, staggered so that no more than three vacancies are created in any one year. The terms of the administrative members are not limited.


  1. Charges.


Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:




Part C: Inactive or Former Committees of the Faculty Senate


24.   Faculty Load Committee
         (For FY2013-2014, replaced with an ad hoc writing committee for workload policy) 

  1. Functions.
    The Faculty Load Committee shall study all aspects of faculty responsibility and make recommendations to the vice president for academic affairs for establishment of guidelines to be used in determining equitable loads in terms of teaching, scholarly/creative activity, administrative responsibility, etc. 


  1. Composition.
    The Faculty Load Committee shall consist of 10 members: eight faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate and two ex officio non-voting members. Each faculty member of the committee shall represent one of the eight senate voting groups. The two ex officio members shall be designated by the vice president for academic affairs. The committee shall elect a chair from among its voting members. 


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:


25. Committee on Benefits
        (Inactive for three years. Functions taken over by the state of Texas)

  1. Functions.
    The Committee on Benefits shall (1) study all possibilities for improving benefits for the faculty of the university and make recommendations regarding such benefits and the relationship between such benefits and faculty salaries to the appropriate university agency or official; (2) receive and evaluate all suggestions of possible benefits made by individuals or groups; and (3) consult with existing committees working on benefits and compensation within the framework of local chapters of professional organizations. 


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 10 members: eight faculty members elected by the senate and two ex officio non-voting members. The eight faculty members shall represent the eight senate voting groups. All academic ranks shall be represented on the committee. Ex officio non-voting members of the committee are the vice president for finance and business affairs and the human resources director. The committee shall elect a chair from among its voting members.  


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at:



26. Scholarship Committee (inactive: Office of Financial Aid Disbanded Committee)

  1. Functions.
    The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for determining and interpreting policy relating to university scholarships and grants-in-aid; screening of candidates and awarding of university scholarships; and exploring possibilities for increasing scholarship funds.  


  1. Composition.
    This committee shall consist of 13 members: eight faculty members (one from each of the senate voting groups) elected by the Faculty Senate; one member appointed by the director of the Office of Development; one member appointed by the director of the Office of Financial Aid; two students selected by the Student Association; and the director of the University Scholarship Office, ex officio, who shall serve as chair of the committee.  


  1. Terms.
    The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The member appointed by the vice president for development and the member appointed by the director of the Office of Financial Aid shall serve three-year terms. The student members shall serve one-year terms.


  1. Charges.

Committee charges are listed on the Faculty Senate website at: