Classes & Instruction

Contact Information

To arrange a class or instruction session, please contact the Library Research Services Office at 817-735-2070.


See upcoming classes for a list of scheduled classes and training.

Instructional Goals

The information seeking and technology skills of UNTHSC students, faculty, and staff members are the focus of Lewis Library’s instructional program. We support medical informatics education and recognize the need to develop information literate health professionals who can effectively locate, choose, and evaluate resources and ethically use the information they retrieve.

Requesting Instruction

Students, faculty and staff members, and medical residents are invited to request a class or schedule a meeting with a librarian. We also offer instruction to other groups. See outreach services for more information.

Faculty members are encouraged to integrate library instruction, whether in person or online, into their course schedules. Librarians can tailor activities to meet students' course-related needs.