Veterans' Benefits - Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I apply for my GI Bill® educational benefits?
2. How long does it take VA to determine my eligibility?
3. What do I do with the Certificate of Eligibility I received from VA?
4. What happens if I add, drop, or withdraw?
5. How do I report a change of major to the VA?
6. How many semester credit hours are considered to be full-time for VA purposes?
7. How many hours do I need to be registered in to get BAH (Post 9/11)?
8. When do I receive my monthly payments?
9. Who pays for my tuition and fees each semester?
10. Do I have to get certified for each semester I attend school?
11. Do I have to submit my Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for EVERY term?
12. Can I take a course at another school and still receive benefits?
13. Can I repeat a course?
14. Can I use my benefits for a graduate degree?


1. How do I apply for my GI Bill® educational benefits?

You may apply for the GI Bill® educational benefits online at . Click on the “Apply for Benefits” link to get started. You will need to submit your DD-214 Member 4 Form or Notice of Eligibility –NOBE, DD-2384, (Reservist only) to the VA so they can determine your eligibility of educational benefits. Note: If you are the veteran, scan and save your DD-214 Member 4 Form to a PDF. If you are a reservist, scan and save your NOBE DD-2384 Form. (You will be able to attach a PDF within the online application).
You may also apply for the GI Bill® educational benefits using VA Form 22-1990 and mailing it with a copy of your DD-214 or DD-2384 directly to the VA Regional Office. Be sure to make a copy of your application to bring with you to Student Veterans Services Office.

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2. How long does it take VA to determine my eligibility?

Please allow the VA Regional Processing Office 6 to 8 weeks to process your application. You will receive a Certificate of Eligibility from them by mail.

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3. What do I do with the Certificate of Eligibility I received from VA?

All students who wish to use their VA Education Benefits for his/her courses should first register for classes. AFTER you have registered for classes, bring a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility along with your DD-214 to the VA Certifying Officials at the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102 for processing.

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4. What happens if I add, drop, or withdraw?

All adds, drops, and withdrawals MUST be reported to the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office by the veteran immediately after the change is made. Regardless of when you make a change to your schedule, you MUST notify a VA Certifying Official of the change immediately.

Post 9/11 GI Bill®

Depending on when you add/drop/withdraw from the course you may owe money to the school or to VA. We encourage you to speak with a VA Certifying Official before you make any schedule changes to see how this will affect your benefits. UNT VA Certifying Officials are located at the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102.

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5. How do I report a change of major to the VA?

You should change your major by contacting the advising office that handles the major you want to change to. (For example, if you want to change to Math you should talk to an advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences, GAB room 220.) Remember, you will need to provide the VA Certifying Officials with a degree plan for your new major. Your Academic Advisor will not notify the VA Certifying Officials when you change your major. It is your responsibility. There are VA forms which need to be completed by the veteran/student when a change in major or program has occurred. Please see a VA Certifying Official in the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102.

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6. How many semester credit hours are considered to be full-time for VA purposes?


Full Time
¾ Time
½ Time

Less Than ½ Time

(Tuition Only)

12 or more
9 - 11
6 - 8
Less than 6
5WK 1
5WK 2
4 - 5
5 - 6
7 - 8
5 - 6
3 - 4

GRADUATE- Must be graduate level courses

Full Time
¾ Time
½ Time

Less Than ½ Time

(Tuition Only)

6 - 8
Less than 5
5WK 1
5WK 2
1 - 2
6 - 8
1 - 4

For more information on GI Bill® payments from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs see the current rate tables on the GI Bill® website.

Training Time
According to the VA, "Enrollment=Training Time." Payment rates for training time are affected by the number of degree countable credit hours for which you are enrolled.

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7. How many hours do I need to be registered in to get BAH (Post 9/11)?

VA calculates BAH based on Rate of Pursuit (see below).

Rate of Pursuit – applies ONLY to Chapter 33 students.

Examples: Full-time = 12 credits, for University of North Texas, so rate of pursuit for:

o 6 credits is 50% (6 ÷ 12 = 50%)
o 7 credits is 60% (7 ÷ 12 = 58% would be rounded up to the nearest tenth, which is 60%)

The housing allowance is paid if the student's rate of pursuit is more than 50%. Rate of pursuit determines whether a student receives or does not receive the housing allowance. If pursuit is more than 50% the student receives the housing allowance. If the rate of pursuit is 50% or less, then the student doesn't receive the housing allowance. (Active duty personnel receiving Chapter 33 benefits or spouses of active duty personnel receiving Transfer of Entitlement (ToE) benefits are not eligible for the housing allowance.)

**Students whose enrollment is exclusively distance learning will be eligible for a monthly housing allowance equal to 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowances for Housing.

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8. When do I receive my monthly payments?

Regular and Partial Payments
Payments are made at the first of each month for the prior month's attendance. For example, you would receive a payment in March for attendance during the month of February. Please note that under the following circumstances, you may receive only a partial payment:
o If you drop a course or courses and it affects your overall training time, you will be paid at your new training time rate.
o If you attend courses for less than a full month, such as at the beginning or end of a semester, your payment for that month will be prorated based on the number of days you actually attended.

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9. Who pays for my tuition and fees each semester?

Veteran Tuition/Fee Payments
Chapter 33: If you are using Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) benefits and the VA has determined your percentage rate at 100%, you will NOT need to make a tuition payment. The VA will pay the tuition/fees directly to UNT. As long as you complete your certification paperwork with the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), suite 102, your student account will have a code indicating you are awaiting VA payments. Again, you must complete your paperwork each semester in order for the code to be applied to your account.

If you are using Chapter 33(Post 9/11) benefits and the VA has determined your percentage rate at 90% or lower, you will be responsible for making a payment on your student account.
Ex: Tuition/Fees paid by VA is at 90%, Student owes UNT 10% of tuition/fees.

You must complete your paperwork with our office each semester in order for a code to be applied to your account. The code will be set at the percentage rate determined by the VA.

Non-Chapter 33: If you are not using Chapter 33 (Post9/11) benefits the VA will not pay your tuition/fees directly to UNT. You are responsible for paying all tuition/fees by the deadline dates for each semester.

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10. Do I have to get certified for each semester I attend school?

YES.  You must fill out the VA Enrollment Form each semester after you register for classes. The VA Enrollment Form lets the VA Certifying Officials know you want to be certified for your classes, gives you the opportunity to update your current contact information, and gives UNT permission to release your information to the VA.  Certification with the VA is not automatic. Forms can be printed from your computer, completed by you, and sent back to the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102 via email, fax, or in person.  The email address is and the fax number is 940-565-3441.

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11. Do I have to submit my Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for EVERY term?

Yes, all Chapter 33 students must submit an updated COE or Award letter with their Enrollment Certification form each term so the VA Certifying Officials can verify the most current benefit percentage and months of service remaining.

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12. Can I take a course at another school and still receive benefits?

Yes, as long as that course will fulfill a degree requirement at UNT. The VA Certifying Officials at UNT will need to send your secondary school a Parent Institution Letter. You will need to bring a copy of your schedule and bill from the secondary school to the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102. If you have contact information for the VA Office at your secondary school bring that as well.

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13. Can I repeat a course?

If you do not pass or do not make the required grade in a course that is required for your major, the VA will pay for that course to be taken ONE additional time. The VA will not pay for the course to be taken for a third time. Nor will the VA pay for the course if you received an acceptable grade, and are repeating the course because you would just like to try to get a better grade.

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14. Can I use my benefits for a graduate degree?

If you have eligibility and benefits remaining, they can be used towards a second undergraduate or graduate degree.

For More Information

Please visit the Student Veteran Services – Benefits office in the General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102, call (940) 369-8021 Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, or e-mail

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