Student Computer Lab Managers Committee

Organization & Structure of the Student Computer Lab Network

The UNT Student Lab network has grown to be a mature strategic part of the University's student technology resources. The Student Computer Lab Managers (SCLM) committee recognizes the role the labs play in academics and as a recruiting tool for the University. We are committed to maintaining the excellence created in the Student Computer Labs by providing direction and management needed to continue to grow with the University.


UNT utilizes a distributed-computing environment which allows UNT to offer specialized computer labs and resources to meet the individual needs of varying academic units. Each lab within the UNT Student Computer Lab (SCL) network is maintained by one of UNT’s schools, colleges, or functional areas. This structure exists to better facilitate the academic endeavors of students by allowing each distributed lab to provide specialized computing resources that support their associated academic environment.

The SCL network is designed to promote common guidelines and practices throughout the distributed Student Computer Labs. In order to do so, UNT created a governing body for the lab system — the General Access Lab Committee (GALC). GALC members determined that, in order to better serve the UNT community, the individual lab managers needed to have an open avenue of communication. Hence the General Access Lab Managers Committee (GALMAC) was formed and GACL became the advisory and oversight board. Through the years, the lab managers determined that patron insight could help guide the focus of the Lab System. The Public Forum was designed to allow students to voice their concerns, needs and ideas to the Lab Managers.

UNT reorganized its IT Infrastructure in 2012, creating two different teams to guide the use and growth of technology on campus: AIT (Academic IT group) and TAG (Technical Architecture Group). During this reorganization, the role of GALC was eliminated and GALMAC reported directly to AIT. In August 2014, the General Access Computer Labs became the Student Computer Labs (SCL), and GALMAC became the Student Computer Lab Managers (SCLM) committee.

The Following are descriptions of SCLM, GALC and the Public Forum.

SCLM (Managers Committee)

  • Representation: Full-time staff lab manager from each funded unit.
  • Role: To provide planning, coordination and implementation of polices and procedures to meet the needs of the University community as a whole.
  • Frequency: The committee meets at least once a month and additional times as needed.
  • Reporting: SCLM reports to AIT. The SCLM chairperson is a member of AIT. SCLM sends a representative to TAG and other campus committees as needed.

Public Forum

Through the public forum SCLM will attempt to receive feedback periodically in order to help anticipate patron and University needs. The public forum can be conducted in a variety of ways. The most common form is online or written surveys. However the forum platform is subject to change over time as technology, facilities or resources become available.

  • Representation: The entire University community is invited to participate.
  • Role: The forum provides direct student input on Student Computer Lab needs.
  • Frequency: The forum is held as needed in coordination with the Student Association and SCLM.