Graduate FAQ | Department of Media Arts

Graduate FAQ


What is the deadline for applying?

The Media Arts department's initial deadline for application for the Fall 2018 semester is January 15, 2018. We will begin reviewing applications after this date. We will continue to accept applications throughout the Spring semester for Fall enrollment. However, we strongly recommend you submit all application materials in January for the best chance to be considered for UNT scholarships and other assistance.

*NOTE* Our department's deadline to apply is earlier than the Toulous Graduate School's date of July 15.

I want to apply to graduate school at UNT for either the Master of Arts or Master of Fine Arts degree. What do I need to send?

Your application, application fee, GRE scores, and official transcripts need to be sent to UNT's Toulouse Graduate School. The UNT graduate school fee is $75.00.

A writing sample, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose and portfolio, if required, need to be sent directly to EITHER the Director of the MA program (Dr. Harry Benshoff) or the Director of the MFA program (Tania Khalaf).

MFA applicants should additionally send digital portfolio materials to MFA Director Tania Khalaf at

Find out more about M.F.A. Admissions and M.A. Admissions.

Should I wait until I have all my material together or can I send items in one at a time?

Your application materials should be sent to us as soon as possible. All materials do not have to be sent as a single package.

I sent in my application, how long will it take before I know if I am accepted?

When all application materials from an individual have been received, the Graduate Committee will begin reviewing that person's application. You will be contacted by either the Toulouse Graduate School or the Department by March 20 for applications received by January 15.

For the items I send to the MFA or MA program directors, what do you want on the statement of purpose? How should I send it to you?

  • Your statement of purpose should clearly indicate why you want to pursue a Masters degree, what specific area of study in the Media Arts graduate program at UNT you want to pursue (MFA in documentary production and studies, MA in Critical/Cultural/Historical studies; or MA in Industries Studies.) This statement should also give clear indication of your scholarly and career goals and and how our Media Arts program can meet your needs.
  • We prefer that all items, with the exception of the digital MFA portfolio, be mailed to the Media Arts MA or MFA Program Directors as appropriate.
  • There is no length requirement, but note that heavy emphasis is placed on this statement in our review of your application materials.
  • Be sure to include your name on everything you send.

Students from outside the United States must apply through UNT-International (UNT-I).

An international applicant asks: "I heard if I've obtained a degree in the USA, I don't need to summit the TOEFL score. Is that correct?"

Contact the UNT-International office to get the answer for this question. The UNT-I office, not the Department of Media Arts, handles TOEFL questions.


**Note** Varoius assistantships are available in the program. In certain situations they are offered to students in their first semester, though this is rare. Continuing students are strongly encouraged to apply for these positions.

What is a TA, an RA, or a TF?

There are various assignments that fall under the Teaching Assistantships (TAs) category, which are:

  • Teaching Assistant (TA) -- Assist a professor in duties including attendance, grading, teaching, and advising students enrolled in a class.
  • Research Assistant (RA) -- Assist with duties concerning a research project undertaken by a professor or other administrative duties.
  • Teaching Fellows (TF) -- Teach lower-level undergraduate courses on your own, usually courses like writing or basic equipment operation. A minimum of 18 hours of graduate credit is required to qualify as a TF.

How do I apply for an assistantship?

The assistantship application form is on the Department of Media Arts website. Print and return the completed form with an attached resume to the Chair of the Department, Eugene Martin:

Department of Media Arts
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #310589
Denton, TX 76203-5017

I've been assigned a teaching assistantship. Now what?

First, follow the specific directions given to you in the email or letter you received regarding your assistantship. This will include such things as:

  • Contact the faculty member with whom you have been assigned.
  • Contact the Media Arts office to ensure the appropriate employment paperwork has been completed.

When should I apply for an assistantship?

The assistantship application should be sent in with your other application material to the Department of Media Arts.

Is an assistantship continuous?

Assistantships are assigned on a semester-by-semester basis. Graduate assistant assignments are for one semester only and renewal is based upon your performance in the job. While we try to maintain assistantships for both the fall and spring semesters, students need to re-apply each semester.

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