Rohingya refugees from Myanmar crossed the border into what Asian country to escape deadly violence in their villages? Adam Dean for The New York Times
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Violence in Buddhist-majority Myanmar has pushed nearly 76,000 Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group, to flee into what neighboring country?

More than a million people lined the streets of London to watch the funeral procession of Diana, Princess of Wales, who died in a car crash in Paris. Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters
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Diana, Princess of Wales, died 20 years ago Thursday after a car crash in Paris. She and Prince Charles were married and divorced in what years?

1981 and 1996.
1979 and 1994.
1983 and 1997.
1979 and 1989.
Police officers outside the Supreme Court building in Nairobi on Friday. Ben Curtis/Associated Press
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A historic and surprising decision from Kenya’s Supreme Court on Friday. It ruled that:

Animals in the country’s nature reserves have some of the same legal rights as people.
The country’s presidential election last month was null and void, and a new vote must be held.
Britain owes the country 75.7 billion pounds as reparations for atrocities committed during the Mau Mau uprising.
Same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, making Kenya the first country in Africa to legalize it.
President Trump speaking at a rally in Phoenix. Tom Brenner/The New York Times
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“It’s really quite amazing when you think that freedom of the press … is now itself under attack from the president himself,” said what global leader of President Trump’s repeated denunciations of some media outlets as so-called fake news?

The Dalai Lama.
Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the United Nations human rights chief.
Natan Sharansky, the Israeli politician and human rights activist.
Pope Francis.
Lech Walesa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of Poland.
This statue of a prominent Canadian in Kingston, Ontario, has been the scene of celebrations and protests against his historical record. Native activists want the monument removed. Ian Austen/The New York Times
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Canada is facing its own reckoning with racism, as the broad use of the name and visage of which historical figure is being challenged for his policies toward indigenous people?

Pierre Trudeau, a former prime minister and father of the current one.
Robert Canada, widely credited as the country’s founder.
Jacques Cartier, the explorer who claimed Canada for the king of France.
John A. Macdonald, the country’s first prime minister.
Flooding in an Asian city. Arindam Dey/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
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More than 41 million people, according to the United Nations, have been directly affected by flooding and landslides this summer in what three Asian countries?

Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
China, Thailand and Vietnam.
Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.
Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
A street scene in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. Jane Hahn for The New York Times
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Saying it is “causing public unrest,” Sierra Leone recently banned what popular activity?

Coed soccer games.
Group jogging.
Dancing while the sun is out.
Members of the 101st Airborne Division in what country? Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times
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The Pentagon said on Wednesday the United States has about 11,000 troops in what country, acknowledging for the first time publicly that the total forces there are higher than formally disclosed in recent years?

South Korea.
Fishermen on the Irrawaddy River. Minzayar Oo
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Fishermen along the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar use all of the following to catch their prey EXCEPT:

Car batteries.
They use all of the above.
