Jan 16, 2013

After the Show Show: How the flu spreads

Mannequin used to show how germs get around

As Seen on 'Fox & Friends'

'Fox & Friends' Reading List

  • 'Leaving without Losing: The War on Terror after Iraq and Afghanistan' by Mark N. Katz

    From the publisher: As the United States withdraws its combat troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, politicians, foreign policy specialists, and the public are worrying about the consequences of leaving these two countries. But, international relations scholar Mark N. Katz asks: Could ending both wars actually help the United States and its allies to overcome radical Islam in the long term?

  • 'Coaching Confidential: Inside the Fraternity of NFL Coaches' by Gary Myers

    From the publisher: 'Coaching Confidential' chronicles a year in the life of an NFL head coach. But not just one head coach. A composite portrait is drawn through interviews with at least 20 current and former head coaches, taking us through the professional and personal challenges of the job

  • 'Divider-in-Chief: The Fraud of Hope and Change' by Kate Obenshain

    From the publisher: When Barack Obama ran on a platform of "hope and change" four years ago, he promised to unite the country. But as Kate Obenshain reveals in "Divider-in Chief," Obama has done exactly the opposite. As a result, America has become a nation of even greater polarization and disillusionment

You Can Help Sandy Victims

Victims of superstorm Sandy need your help. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Suffolk County SPCA


