
Rain dampens latest Greek strike against austerity


ATHENS - Thousands of striking Greek workers marched to parliament in pouring rain on Wednesday to protest against measures imposed by foreign lenders, whose inspectors are in Athens to review the country's bailout.

Anti-austerity strike brings Greece to a halt during troika visit

ATHENS - Greek schools shut and flights were disrupted as workers held a general strike on Wednesday to protest austerity imposed by foreign lenders, whose inspectors were in Athens to review the country's performance under its bailout.

World, 4:45am EST

Greek retail workers protest Sunday shopping rules

ATHENS - Retail workers protested in Athens against a relaxation of rules restricting the number of Sundays a year when shops can open, a reform demanded by Greece's foreign lenders which aims to make its recession-hit economy more flexible.

World, 03 Nov 2013

Greeks fear more violence after Golden Dawn members shot dead

ATHENS - A brazen drive-by shooting that killed two young members of Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party has shocked Greeks and prompted soul-searching about whether the crisis-hit country is slipping into a "cycle of violence".

World, 02 Nov 2013

Lenders to return to Athens next week after Greek budget offer

BRUSSELS - Inspectors from Greece's lenders have put a postponed visit to the country back on the agenda and will return early next week after Athens made a new proposal on filling a gap in the 2014 budget, the European Commission said.

02 Nov 2013

Two Golden Dawn supporters shot dead in Greece

ATHENS - Two members of Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party were killed in a drive-by shooting outside the movement's offices in Athens on Friday, raising fears of an escalation of political violence in the crisis-wracked country.

World, 01 Nov 2013

Doubts emerge over troika's return to Greece amid budget hole

BRUSSELS - International inspectors are set to put on hold a trip to Athens because they have been unable to bridge differences with Greece over how to close a 2 billion-euro ($2.7 billion) hole in its 2014 budget, euro zone officials said.

31 Oct 2013

Bulgaria takes seven of Roma girl's brothers and sisters into care

SOFIA - Bulgarian authorities said on Wednesday they would take into care most of the brothers and sisters of Maria, the four-year-old whose discovery in neighboring Greece captured global attention.

People, Lifestyle, World, 30 Oct 2013

Bulgaria to seek Roma girl's return from Greece

SOFIA - Bulgaria said on Tuesday it would seek the return of a four-year-old girl found with a Roma family in Greece after DNA tests proved her natural parents were Bulgarian.

World, Lifestyle, 29 Oct 2013

U.S. ships head towards migrant vessel in distress off Greece

ATHENS - The U.S. navy on Monday sent two guided missile destroyers to help a boat apparently carrying migrants and in distress off southern Greece.

World, 28 Oct 2013