
    Phil Black is an International Correspondent based in CNN's London bureau.

    Before his deployment to London, Black was CNN International's Russia correspondent based in Moscow. In this capacity he reported on a number of high-profile stories from the region including Vladimir Putin's landslide re-election as president and the controversial arrest and detainment of protest punk group Pussy Riot.

    Most recently Black has played a crucial role in CNN's coverage of the crisis in Ukraine - from his reporting on the Maidan protests in Kiev, to his coverage of fighting between pro-Russian rebels and government forces in Donetsk. Black was also on the ground at the crash site of the downed Flight MH17, broadcasting on the incident and its aftermath. For his reporting on this story, and the shooting of a anti-government protester in Independence Square, Black was recognised twice at the 2014 AIB awards.

    Black joined CNN International in April 2007 as a freelance reporter and has worked on numerous stories for the network including the Finnish classroom shootings, the McCartney-Mills divorce hearings, the attempted London terror attacks, the search for Madeleine McCann and the Princess Diana inquest.

    Prior to joining CNN International, Black spent seven years at Seven News in Sydney as a correspondent on Australia's highest rating news programme, where he covered the Asian Tsunami from Sri Lanka.

    Black began his career on Australia's Channel Nine 'Getaway' programme as a researcher, where he helped with logistical planning for crews shooting travel stories around the world. He was with the channel for five years and worked as both a producer and later a reporter. This period saw him move steadily towards his first correspondent role with Seven News. Collectively Black brings more than 10 years of reporting and producing experience with him.

    Black is Australian and studied an associate diploma in Journalism at Macleay College in Sydney.