The State of Working America, an ongoing analysis published since 1988 by the Economic Policy Institute, includes a wide variety of data on family incomes, wages, jobs, unemployment, wealth, and poverty that allow for a clear, unbiased understanding of the economy’s effect on the living standards of working Americans. Cornell University Press will publish the hard edition and e-book in late November.

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January 4, 2013:
New data on Employment and Unemployment: National »

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New release

The State of Working America, 12th Edition

EPI's authoritative analysis of the living standards of America's workers

THE BOOK: Read the chapters and review the charts

PRESS RELEASE: Low- and middle-income workers have fallen behind over the last three decades

PRE-ORDER THE BOOK: Available from Cornell University Press

12th Edition

Summary of major findings

Updated data show more than a 'lost decade'

OVERVIEW: Policy-driven inequality blocks living standards growth for most low- and middle-income workers

KEY NUMBERS: Click through topic-specific summaries of data

Data and analysis

Monitoring the economy

Up-to-date analysis on the national and state-level numbers that shape the economy.

Interactive feature

When income grows, who gains?

Chart the rise in U.S. household income since 1917—and see how growth has fared between the top 10 percent and the bottom 90 percent of Americans.

For the media

Economic Policy Institute Media Relations Department (202) 775–8810 |