The Agenda


    The U.S. government’s predatory-lending program

    America earns $3 billion a year charging strapped college parents above-market interest. “It’s like ‘The Sopranos,’ except it’s the government.”


    To end prison gangs, it’s time to break up the largest prisons


    Odds of a government shutdown? 25 percent. The POLITICO interview.

    The Debrief

  • On the radar

    • June 22-24: U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
    • Wednesday, June 24: House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing on using a repatriation tax holiday to fund the Highway Trust Fund.
    • Thursday, June 25: EPA public hearing on proposed renewable fuel standard
      Kansas City, Kan.
    • Thursday, June 25: Senate Homeland Security hearing on federal cybersecurity and the OPM data breach.
    • Friday, June 26: American Bar Association conference on regulation of digital currencies
    • June 26-July 5: Aspen Ideas Festival
      Aspen, Colo

    Did Rand Paul just get his own tax cut wrong?


    Waxman: Obama can be more aggressive on climate


    Q&A: ‘I’m not going away’

    Kirsten Gillibrand’s strategy for getting sexual-assault reform through the boys’ club called the U.S. Senate.


    The TPP: What you need to know

    A POLITICO reading list


    Trade: The experts go to war

    We shouldn’t be fooled by U.S. Trade Rep. Michael Froman’s list of numbers, says a top economist.


    Inside a mega trade deal

    Former trade rep Susan Schwab on the slow pace of talks, the real importance of TPP, and why the president matters less than you'd think.


    Bitcoin vs. the SEC

    Forget money. Bitcoin 2.0 is about to disrupt everything else. Are regulators ready for it?


    How Congress sees the world, in charts

    Democrats talk about Iraq; Republicans talk about... Panama?


    Inside the war on coal

    How Mike Bloomberg, red-state businesses, and a lot of Midwestern lawyers are changing American energy faster than you think.


    The power crisis we’re ignoring


    The Q&A:

    Ernest Moniz on
    America, China,
    and why he’s still an optimist.


    Oops, where’s solar?

    Here’s what really powers America, in 7 colorful lines.


    Should China’s ‘new Silk Road’ worry America?


    How much does Greece even owe?


    Revolution? More like a crawl


    Nuclear war on the Hill

    Fusion research splits the House and Senate. Why? Because, er… science.


    Gillibrand: Obama MIA on Pentagon sex assault

    Gearing up for a floor fight, the senator sees a “100 percent failure” to protect victims in military.


    Larry Summers backs a new idea for the Fed — almost


    Why does the federal government care about 7 cases of wine at the bottom of Charleston Harbor?


    How to kill a rule

    A new effort to fight regulation overload.


    5 reasons Obama’s transformative power plan won’t transform anything


    Billions over budget. Two years after deadline. What’s gone wrong for the ‘clean coal’ project that’s supposed to save an industry?


    The scariest number in the patent debate is also wrong


    This month’s billboards: Small banks!

    Behind the Metro billboards.


    What AM stations are worried about

    The Big Idea

    Tax Harvard!

    President Barack Obama wants to make college more affordable. Here's how.

    The Big Idea

    Should we pay politicians more?


    What politicians talk about when they talk about coal

    Data scientists graphed every word from members of Congress about coal. Here’s what they found.


    The Obamanomics legacy

    A Q&A with Jason Furman.


    ‘Frankly, we’re going to be reauthorized’

    Ex-Im Bank CEO Fred Hochberg answers the critics who say his bank is just a subsidy for Boeing, and explains why it won’t shut down June 30.


    Navy to launch 40 new cyberattack teams

    “You don't win a knife fight without swinging a knife.”


    Can members of Congress change your mind?

    Yes. This is how it works.


    Why America can’t get executions right

    A more humane way to die? Don’t bet on it.


    College-president raises? Arne Duncan fires off an email