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Data Visualization

This page contains a series of interactive visualizations that allow you to explore our data.

Start with this first visualization if this is your first time to this page.

Graphic screenshot to promote the data visualization tool. In this screenshot, there are line graphs that are broken out by disaster assistance and preparedness grants: fire grants ($6,097 million), preparedness ($23,159 million), mitigation ($9,070 million), individual assistance ($14,025 million), and public assistance ($44,944 million).   There are also line graphs representing the total grants from 2005 to 2014, from $0 million to $30,000 million. There are also line graphs representing the total grants by year: 2005 ($32 billion); 2006 ($6 billion); 2007 ($6 billion); 2008 ($13 billion); 2009 ($6 billion); 2010 ($6 billion); 2011 ($8 billion); 2012 ($5 billion); 2013 ($11 billion); 2014 ($674 million). Summary of Disaster Declarations and Grants. See the Federal declared disasters that have occurred in your state or territory. Then view a summary of our support for fire, preparedness, mitigation, individual assistance, and public assistance grants.

Then learn more by interacting with these visualizations.

Graphic screenshot showing the state of Florida broken out by counties, and displaying a total list of disaster declarations by hazard since 1943: 42 Fires, 31 Hurricanes, 22 Severe Storms, 13 Flood, 6 Freezing, 2 Coastal Storms, 1 Tornado, 1 Human Cause, and 1 Other. Disaster declarations for states and counties. Explore historic federal disaster declarations by state, county, hazard, and year.
Graphic screenshot of the 115 disaster declarations (by hazard) that have occured in Tribal Nations since 1953: 56 Severe Storms, 31 Floods, 13 Fires, 4 Snow Storms, 4 Hurricanes, 2 Mudslides, 1 Drought, 1 Tornado, 1 Freezing, 1 Other, and 1 Severe Ice Storm.Disaster declarations for Tribal Nations. Explore historic federal disaster declarations by Tribal nation, hazard, and year.
Graphic screenshot of the 115 disaster declarations (by hazard) that have occured in Tribal Nations since 1953: 56 Severe Storms, 31 Floods, 13 Fires, 4 Snow Storms, 4 Hurricanes, 2 Mudslides, 1 Drought, 1 Tornado, 1 Freezing, 1 Other, and 1 Severe Ice Storm.Fire Incidents for States and Counties. Explore state and county National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) data, a reporting standard that fire departments use to uniformly report on the full range of their activities.

Graphic screenshot of the money distributed by FEMA Individual Assistance and SBA Disaster Home loans.Disaster Housing Assistance. Explore FEMA’s Individual and Household Program data and the Small Business Administration’s Disaster Home Loan Program data by state, county, and disaster.


Historical Flood Risk and Costs. This page contains an interactive data tool to allow you to better understand your historical flood risk and potential flood-related costs.



Last Updated: 
02/10/2017 - 10:53