(((Rep. Nadler)))Hitelesített felhasználó


Representing parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn. I serve on the House Judiciary + Transportation & Infrastructure committees. Follow me at

New York, NY
Csatlakozott 2009. május


Letiltottad @RepJerryNadler felhasználót

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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jan. 30.

    Make sure you are subscribed for my E-newsletter to get news, updates, and information about my work in Congress.

  2. 5 órával ezelőtt
  3. retweetelte
    23 órával ezelőtt

    We are excited to announce that the House voted to increase HOPWA funding by $19 million! Thank you for all your hard work.

  4. retweetelte
    23 órával ezelőtt

    BREAKING: The chair just cut debate on our resolution of inquiry into . We're walking out. This is unacceptable.

  5. szept. 7.

    censuring after is now at 130 cosponsors! Time for Congress to via

  6. szept. 7.

    NYC is ending lunch shaming, ensuring every child has a healthy meal to get them through the day. 👏👏👏 via

  7. szept. 7.

    The House approved my amendment to ensure NYC does not lose any funding for HIV/AIDS housing next year. Vital to keep these funds!

  8. szept. 6.

    Because of New York like Jessica, who dreams of becoming a doctor, I call for a vote on the .

  9. retweetelte
    szept. 6.

    Because of Dreamers like Jessica, I called for a vote on the today. 2/2

  10. szept. 6.
  11. szept. 6.

    Today I called for a vote on the to help like Jessica who has been in the US since age 2 & dreams of becoming a doctor.

  12. retweetelte
    szept. 6.

    Bipartisan Senate bill forcing Trump to condemn hate groups. Where is on ?

  13. szept. 6.

    Resolution to after Charlottesville is not about politics – it's about our principles as a nation!

  14. retweetelte
    szept. 6.

    Read our letter opposing the nomination of to lead the Civil Rights Division at . Link:

  15. szept. 6.

    Congress cannot ignore Trump's failure to unambiguously condemn hate groups. We must ! via

  16. szept. 6.

    Bipartisan Senate bill forcing Trump to condemn hate groups. Where is on ?

  17. szept. 6.

    Post : Democrats Consider Ways To Keep Pressure On Trump via

  18. szept. 5.
  19. szept. 5.

    has changed the lives of nearly 800,000 young Americans. Congress must stop from reversing this program.

  20. szept. 5.

    Congress must not let 's immoral, foolish, anti-immigrant, xenophobic agenda dictate our policy. 1/2

  21. aug. 31.

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