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Game of Thrones embraces powerful leading ladies. From Little Bird to the Mother of Dragons, each week we are treated to stellar performances of complex characters by talented women. In a space that we expect to be dominated by men, these female figures hold their own and teach us valuable lessons.

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Generating and distributing your brand’s vital news is an important part of how you stay relevant in the minds of the media and your wider customer base. But a press release can do so much more than simply tell someone about your company.

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In a recent interview, Steve Barrett, Editor-in-Chief of PRWeek sat down with Cision CEO, Kevin Akeroyd to talk about the future of PR, communications and the technology that will move the industry forward.

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We just finished celebrating our 150th anniversary (and brand launch, and IPO!) and now we’re strapping our party hats back on to celebrate a decade of CODiE Award wins for Cision.

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As a freshman marketing major in college, finding an internship was not easy. With little experience and only core classes completed, I was on the lower end of recruiters’ selections. For me, however, I knew that I wanted to do more with my summer.

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Usually, brand perception falls under the realm of your marketing team, but it’s important for you and other leaders to be tapped into how consumers view your business.

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When it comes to SEO, earning quality backlinks (links from other websites to your webpage) is one of the most critical ranking factors. While backlinks are a great signal for SEO, it takes a lot of time to earn them.

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Check out our most recent updates to the Cision Communications Cloud™

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To fully appreciate where Cision is headed, we started by examining where we came from, which goes far beyond what anyone imagined.

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It’s no secret that the holiday guide pages are the most coveted PR real estate of the year, and even though it’s only the beginning of summer, the time to organize your holiday gift guide campaign starts now.

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Feedback is huge when it comes to developing a successful content marketing strategy. And yet with all the noise coming from every angle, it can be challenging to know what exactly you need to pay attention to. Here, we identify five sources that can prove invaluable to you in crafting your content.

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Hits, reach, placements — all of these are interesting metrics but they aren’t what determines whether a media campaign has been successful. Success is really about outcomes, and outcomes are the overarching goals that are surrounding the reason why a brand is reaching out to the media. Outcomes are the why of the campaign. Why, […]

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When it comes to branding, we’re hearing the buzzword “authentic” a lot lately. But what does that actually mean? How can a brand like yours be authentic, especially in its content marketing?   What Authentic Really Means for Your Brand Because this word is so nebulous, it becomes hard to define, but I take it […]

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While technology continues changing every industry I can think of, communications and public relations professionals hold tight to the more poetic side of storytelling. What I want to do is explore the industry’s aversion to change and argue that technology has always changed the art of storytelling without abandoning the art itself.

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It’s no secret that Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates of any social media platform. Additionally, Instagram achieved 700 million monthly active users last month. What this means to PR professionals and content marketers is that Instagram can be an important platform to engage with and to educate your customers.

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Public Service Announcements (PSAs) can be an excellent way to raise awareness for a nonprofit organization — to help bring their mission to life and drive intended actions to help support a cause.

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VP Nick Bell explains how he refocused the brand image to better reflect Cision’s vision, which is to elevate the art, science and impact of the communications profession.

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Rebranding is a delicate task for brands who have a loyal customer following. Using Cision’s rebrand as a backdrop, here’s how PR pros can tell their best rebranding story.

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While we were all enthusiastically traveling back (on June 9) from the 2017 NIRI Annual Conference in Orlando, the House of Representatives passed the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (FCA2017), a bill predominantly intended to undo various aspects of Dodd-Frank. As all things Washington DC these days, it’s anyone’s guess what path the Senate will […]

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Without a distribution channel, your company blog is like a car without an engine. It can sit pretty in your driveway, for only your neighbors and friends to see — or you can equip it with a turbocharged engine that will get it on the road and in front of new viewers.
