person holding an open book

UNT Libraries' government documents specialists can provide assistance when you have questions, need directions, or want advice about finding governmental, business, geographic, or legal information. In addition to the students, faculty, and staff of the University of North Texas, Government Information Connection serves the citizens of the 26th Congressional District of Texas.


  • DocsBlog: Learn about documents of interest and government goings-on.
  • Topics and Reference: Locate information by government agency, type of information, or subject.
  • Digital Collections: Browse or search digital collections from the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.
  • FAQ: Read answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.


  • Business Portal: Locate information on how to start a small business.
  • Elections Portal: Register to vote and find information on candidates for national, state, and local elections.
  • Civic Engagement Portal: Learn how to become active in your nation, your state, your local community, and at UNT!
  • History Portal: Locate resources on U.S. and Texas history.

Resources for Government Documents Librarians

Eight (formerly Twenty-One) Things to Do When Assuming Responsibility for a Depository Library Collection

Government Information Web Page Template

About Government Documents at the UNT Libraries

The Depository Programs


Our History